Take-Down Policy

The University of Manitoba makes content within UM Digital Collections publicly accessible (no authentication to the system required) in the following situations:

  • Content is in the public domain
  • The rights to the content are owned by the University of Manitoba
  • The University of Manitoba has obtained permission to make the content publicly accessible, or
  • There are no known restrictions on use of the content

If you have a legitimate complaint about the content in UM Digital Collections please send the following information to the UM Digital Collections administrator at UMDigitalCollections@umanitoba.ca: your contact details, the URL(s) of the disputed content, and the nature of your complaint. The following are considered legitimate complaints:

  • The content infringes upon your intellectual property rights (including moral rights protected by Canadian copyright legislation)
  • The content infringes upon your privacy rights
  • The content is offensive or unacceptable in some other way

On receipt of a complaint:

  • The site administrator will review the complaint. If considered reasonable the content will immediately be removed from public view.
  • The complainant and the University’s unit/department that contributed the content will be notified of the action taken.
  • If the content is removed from public view the complaint will be reviewed by the site administrator, the University of Manitoba Libraries Digitization Team, and the University’s unit/department that contributed the content. If necessary, University of Manitoba Legal Counsel will be consulted.
  • The complainant and the University’s unit/department that contributed the content will be notified of the outcome of the review.
  • The resource will either be restored to public view or permanently withdrawn from public view within UM Digital Collections.