The University of Manitoba makes content within UM Digital Collections publicly accessible (no authentication to the system required) in the following situations:
- Content is in the public domain
- The rights to the content are owned by the University of Manitoba
- The University of Manitoba has obtained permission to make the content publicly accessible, or
- There are no known restrictions on use of the content
If you have a legitimate complaint about the content in UM Digital Collections please send the following information to the UM Digital Collections administrator at your contact details, the URL(s) of the disputed content, and the nature of your complaint. The following are considered legitimate complaints:
- The content infringes upon your intellectual property rights (including moral rights protected by Canadian copyright legislation)
- The content infringes upon your privacy rights
- The content is offensive or unacceptable in some other way
On receipt of a complaint:
- The site administrator will review the complaint. If considered reasonable the content will immediately be removed from public view.
- The complainant and the University’s unit/department that contributed the content will be notified of the action taken.
- If the content is removed from public view the complaint will be reviewed by the site administrator, the University of Manitoba Libraries Digitization Team, and the University’s unit/department that contributed the content. If necessary, University of Manitoba Legal Counsel will be consulted.
- The complainant and the University’s unit/department that contributed the content will be notified of the outcome of the review.
- The resource will either be restored to public view or permanently withdrawn from public view within UM Digital Collections.