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Immaculate Conception Processional Banner Icon in the St. Michael and the Angels Ukrainian Catholic Church in Tyndall (567-02-54)
Evangelist John Icon on the Royal Doors of the St. Michael's Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Gardenton (177-02-30)
St. Nicholas Icon in the St. Elias Ukrainian Orthodox Historical Church in Sirko (686-01-14)
Blessed Virgin Mary and Christ Child Icon on the Iconostasis of the St. Elias Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Sirko (686-02-23)
Narthex, Choir Loft and Nave of the St. Michael Ukrainian Catholic Church in Olha (626-01-15)
Eleventh Station of the Cross Icon in the Holy Eucharist Ukrainian Catholic Church in Oakburn (378-01-61)
Altar and South Nave Wall in the St. Michael and the Angels Ukrainian Catholic Church in Tyndall (567-02-16)
East Exterior Wall of the Sts. Peter and Paul Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Seech (625-01-06)
Parishioners and Friends on Easter Sunday 1915 Photo in the St. Michael's Ukrainian Orthodox Historical Church in Gardenton (177-01-124)
Annuciation Processional Icon in the Sacred Heart of Jesus Ukrainian Catholic Church in Tolstoi (577-01-26)
South Nave Wall of the St. Michael's Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Gardenton (177-02-15)
Entrance and Belltower of the Holy Eucharist Ukrainian Catholic Church in Oakburn (378-01-08)
Belltower Ceiling of the Sts. Peter and Paul Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Seech (625-01-10)
Evanhelia Prayer Book in the Holy Eucharist Ukrainian Catholic Church in Oakburn (378-01-112)
Iconostasis of the St. Elias Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Sirko (686-02-06)
Sign of the St. Michael Ukrainian Catholic Church in Olha (626-01-01)
Choir Loft of the St. Michael Ukrainian Catholic Church in Olha (626-01-20)
Cross in the St. Nicholas Ukrainian Catholic Church in Somme (685-01-60)
Blessed Virgin Mary the Protectress Icon in the St. Michael's Ukrainian Orthodox Historical Church in Gardenton (177-01-50)
Title Page of the Gospel in the Sacred Heart of Jesus Ukrainian Catholic Church in Tolstoi (577-01-56)
East and South Exterior Walls of the St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Catholic Church in Dolyny (625-03-05)
East Nave Wall and Apse of the Holy Eucharist Ukrainian Catholic Church in Oakburn (378-01-11)
Unidentified Building of the St. Michael and the Angels Ukrainian Catholic Church in Tyndall (567-02-61)
Icons on the Iconostasis of the St. Michael Ukrainian Catholic Church in Olha (626-01-36)
Holy Family Processional Icon in the St. Nicholas Ukrainian Catholic Church in Somme (685-01-52)
Candelabra in the St. Nicholas Ukrainian Catholic Church in Somme (685-01-63)
Icon of a Saint in the Holy Ghost Ukrainian Orthodox Church (Tolstoi, MB)
Instruments for Complines Service in the St. Michael and the Angels Ukrainian Catholic Church in Tyndall (567-02-39)
South Apse Wall of the Holy Trinity Ukrainian Catholic Church in Stuartburn (542-01-14)
Fifth Station of the Cross Icon in the Holy Eucharist Ukrainian Catholic Church in Oakburn (378-01-55)
St. John Chrysostom Icon in the Holy Eucharist Ukrainian Catholic Church in Oakburn (378-01-40)
Storage in the St. Michael and the Angels Ukrainian Catholic Church in Tyndall (567-02-23)
St. John the Baptist Icon in the St. Michael Ukrainian Catholic Church in Olha (626-01-46)
Choir Loft of the St. Michael Ukrainian Catholic Church in Olha (626-01-21)
Shroud in the St. Nicholas Ukrainian Catholic Church in Somme (685-01-38)
Icon of Christ on the Base of the Tetrapod in the Holy Ghost Ukrainian Orthodox Church (Tolstoi, MB)
Blessed Virgin Mary and Christ Child Icon on the Iconostasis of the St. Michael's Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Gardenton (177-02-26)
Baptism of Christ Processional Banner Icon in the Sts. Peter and Paul Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Seech (625-01-58)
Evangelist John Icon on Royal Doors in the St. Elias Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Sirko (686-02-28)
Gospel in the Sacred Heart of Jesus Ukrainian Catholic Church in Tolstoi (577-01-55)
Gospel Dedication Page in the St. Michael and the Angels Ukrainian Catholic Church in Tyndall (567-02-33)
Unidentified Building of the St. Michael and the Angels Ukrainian Catholic Church in Tyndall (567-02-60)
Service Table in the Sts. Peter and Paul Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Seech (625-01-26)
West and North Nave Walls of the St. Nicholas Ukrainian Catholic Church in Somme (685-01-21)
Woven Cloth in the St. Nicholas Ukrainian Catholic Church in Somme (685-01-74)
Blessed Virgin Mary and Christ Child Processional Banner Icon in the St. Michael's Ukrainian Orthodox Historical Church in Gardenton (177-01-92)
Abraham Old Testament Scene Icon on the Iconostasis in the St. Elias Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Sirko (686-02-38)
Sixth Station of the Cross Icon in the Holy Eucharist Ukrainian Catholic Church in Oakburn (378-01-56)
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