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Map of Manitoba Published by Authority of the Provincial Government
Province of Manitoba, Settlement in 1870
Map of part of the Province of Manitoba. [Protestant and Roman Catholic School Districts]
Map of the Province of Manitoba and Part of the District of Kewatin and North West Territory
Province of Manitoba, Settlement in 1901
Province of Manitoba, Settlement in 1911
Province of Manitoba, Settlement in 1921
Province of Manitoba, Settlement in 1891
Map of the Red River Territory
Province of Manitoba, Settlement in 1881
Chataway's Map of Winnipeg New Edition
Carte indiquant les terres occupées par les premiers colons de la région des collines Pembina vers la fin des 1870 et le début des 1880. Ébauche annotée par Marie Anna A Roy dont certaines parties ont été publiées dans son livre "La Montagne Pembina au te
Carte indiquant les terres occupées par les premiers colons de la région des collines Pembina vers la fin des 1870 et le début des 1880. Ébauche annotée par Marie Anna A Roy dont certaines parties ont été publiées dans son livre "La Montagne Pembina au te
Manitoba 1926 (Rural Organizations)
Rough Diagram, Based on Hinds Map intended to illustrate Report on Townships Surveys and Red River Territory
Map showing sections occupied by the earliest settlers of the Pembina Hills region in the late 1870s and early 1880s.
Map Showing Line of Route Between Lake Superior and Red River Settlement
A map of the 3 Victoria Cross winners from Valour Road, their trek to Europe, and photos.