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Group XIV, #53a - Katie's Finger (Stereo - Front)
Group XIV, #52b - Katie "Shell" (Stereo - Right)
Group XII, #42a - Emerging Teleplasm, First Exposure (Stereo)
Group V, #20 - "Voice Box" (Stereo View)
Group IV, #18a - Fourth Spurgeon Face (Stereo View)
Group XIV, #50c - "Feather Teleplasm" (Stereo View from Right)
Annotated Photo Album, Groups IV-VIII - #24, Two-Piece Teleplasm
Annotated Photo Album, Groups IV-VIII - #23, Imitative Teleplasms
Annotated Photo Album, Groups IV-VIII - #28, Lucy Materialization
Group IXa - Photograph: "Supernormal Hair, Robe and Veil of Katie King"
Group VII, #27 - Hand Mass (Stereo View)
Annotated Photo Album, Groups XII-XIII - #52, The Katie "Shell"
Group V, #19 - "Strut" Teleplasm (Stereo View)
Group XIV, #49a - Third Katie Face and Veil (Stereo from Centre)
Group IX, #34d - Katie's Shining Garment (Stereo, Left of Mercedes)
Annotated Photo Album, Groups IV-VIII - #20, Stereos of Talking Machine
Candle Holders in the St. Michael and the Angels Ukrainian Catholic Church in Tyndall (567-02-45)
Ascension and Descention of Holy Spirit Icons on the Iconostasis of the St. Elias Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Sirko (686-02-36)
North Side Altar in the St. Michael Ukrainian Catholic Church in Olha (626-01-66)
Icons on the Iconostasis of the St. Michael Ukrainian Catholic Church in Olha (626-01-37)
East Exterior Wall of the St. Michael and the Angels Ukrainian Catholic Church in Tyndall (567-02-07)
Annunciation Icon in the St. Michael's Ukrainian Orthodox Historical Church in Gardenton (177-01-65)
Icon of Christ and Saint Peter in the Holy Ghost Ukrainian Orthodox Church (Tolstoi, MB)
Prayer Book Title Page in the St. Nicholas Ukrainian Catholic Church in Somme (685-01-81)
Cemetery of the Holy Eucharist Ukrainian Catholic Church in Oakburn (378-01-143)
Slide - Charles Lowe near Science Building on Broadway Campus of the University of Manitoba
Group XIV, #49h - Third Katie Face and Veil (close-up)
Group XI, #38d - "Standing Lucy" (Wide Angle View, Enlargement)
Group XVI, #62b - Chown in Charge, Second Exposure (Wide Angle, Stereo)
Group XII, #40c - "Dog Face Teleplasm" (The Hound of the Baskervilles) (Enlargement, Side View)
Group XIV, #49f - Third Katie Face and Veil (Side View)
Group XV, #61c - White Substance on Mary Marshall's Eyes, Second Exposure
Telekinesis #26 - Table Levitation and Inversion
Group XVI, #62a - Chown in Charge, First Exposure (Stereo View)
Slide - Albert William Trueman and Graham Lawson Shanks
Slide - Albert H. S. Gillson, Olive Gillson, and Phyl Watt at University of Manitoba Broadway Campus
Slide - Science Students in a University of Manitoba Freshie Parade
Slide - Edwin P. Fetherstonhaugh, William H. McEwen, D. S. Woods, and William J. Waines at University of Manitoba Broadway Campus
Group II, #11a - Mary Marshall's Father, Second Exposure (Enlargement, Wide Angle)
Group I, #2b - Twisted Mass (Stereo View)
Telekinesis #19 - Enclosed Table Moves Forward
Group I, #3a, 5a - Knotted Mass (Enlargement), Mass on Left Cheek
Telekinesis #22 - Table Levitation and Inversion
Slide - Alan N. Campbell at Broadway Campus of University of Manitoba
Slide - Helen Magnuson and Other Science Students in a University of Manitoba Freshie Parade
Slide - Albert William Trueman and Andrew Knox Dysart
Slide - Albert William Trueman and Clark Reid Hopper
Baptism of Christ and Transfiguration Icons on the Iconostasis of the St. Elias Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Sirko (686-02-32)