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"World War, 1939-1945"
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The town of Heidelburg, Germany
Photograph - Russell Maley
Servicemen salute
Letter from Supreme Headquarters, Allied Expeditionary Force
A child of the "occupation"
Letter from Supreme Headquarters, Allied Expeditionary Force
Parisians gather to welcome their liberators under the Arc de Triomphe.
Hilda Morrish canoeing in hamlet of Samois outside of Paris
Place de la Concorde
Frankfurt statue amidst rubble
Letter from Supreme Headquarters, Allied Expeditionary Force
Crowds in Place de l'Etoile
Late afternoon crowds celebrate at Marbeuf
Crossing a Bailey Bridge into Germany
The Champs-Elysees
Approach to Koblenz, a battered German town on the Rhine
GI's in conversation with two French girls
Stopping at a PX tent
Parisians celebrating on balconies
Frankfurt U.S. Army Engineering Supply Headquarters stands next to ruins
An American Sergeant reading peace signing details.
Letter from Henry Kreisel to Kurt Kreisel
A church
Crowds at l'Arc de Triomphe
Sightseeing on the Seine
Exploring Frankfurt ruins
Returning from leave on channnel steamer
Harbour Town Trouville
German town of Bad Nauheim
Gendarme halting traffic
Jeeps crammed with celebrators
War damaged cathedral
Woman shopping at market
Photograph - Roy Vigars, Pat Brophy, Jack Friday, Art DeBreyne, Jim Kelly and Bob Bodie
Photograph - Andrew Mynarski
Kelowna draft #1