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(241 - 288 of 1,141)
Photograph - Engineering Building
Photograph - Engineering Buildings at the University of Manitoba
Photograph - 1962 Summer Session Golf
Photograph - Fletcher Argue Building
Photograph - Architecture Building Second Floor Lounge
Photograph - Faculty of Agriculture New Animal Science Building
Photograph - Music Building
Photograph - Science Building Janitor
Photograph - Operations and Maintenance Building at the University of Manitoba
Photograph - Engineering Building
Photograph - Storage Building at the University of Manitoba
Photograph - Engineering Building Addition
Photograph - Engineering Buildings at the University of Manitoba
Photograph - Home Economics (Human Ecology) Building at the University of Manitoba
Photograph - Group of women standing outside on the steps of a building
Photograph - Young boy standing on a board above the ground holding the had of a woman
Photograph - Home economics students doing exercises in the dining room
Photograph - Unidentified woman sitting and talking on the telephone in the Practice Apartment.
Photograph - Intercollegiate Football Team
Photograph - Young women of the Home Economics Faculty in the gymnasium of University Residence
Photograph - Miss Fischer (Mrs. Jackson)
Photograph - Home economics students looking through the hatch between two rooms
Photograph - Home Economics students sitting at a table and studying
Photograph - Group of women standing outside in the snow
Photograph - Home Economics students standing inside
Photograph - Two Home Economics students sitting in the kitchen
Photograph - Young girl painting a picture
Photograph - Two young girls participating in an obstacle race outside
Photograph - Home Economics students lying on the floor, studying
Photograph - Home Economics students standing outside
Photograph - Group of Home Economics students sitting on the floor, reading
Photograph - Female Home Economics students
Photograph - Two women standing outside on a partly shoveled path.
Photograph - Group of women sitting on the steps
Photograph - Home economics students standing and talking in the Practice Apartment
Photograph - Portrait of a woman
Photograph - Young women in the Home Economics Food Lab
Photograph - Group of women sitting on the steps outside a building
Photograph - Group of unidentified women in the Practice Apartment wearing various Scottish tartans.
Photograph - Group of women standing outside in the sunshine
Photograph - Home Economics students inside
Photograph - Professor M. King
Photograph - Little girl standing on the steps of a guilding holding a doll.
Photograph - Two Home Economics students standing outside cleaning windows
Photograph - Group of Home economics students arranging flowers
Photograph - Group of women and a child outside in the snow
Photograph - Young girl outside in the snow with a sledge
Photograph - Home economics student in the Practice apartment
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