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Photograph - Lt. Col. N. H. Ross
Photograph - J. A. Wilson
Photograph - Naval Cadet Using Sextant on Bridge of a Canadian Destroyer
Photograph - Sterling Lyon
Photograph - Naval Cadets Receiving Instruction on Flag Hoists from Naval Officers
Photograph - Naval Cadets Doing Navigation Work in a Ship's Charthouse
Photograph - Sterling Lyon and Bobby Hull
Photograph - Naval Cadets Receiving Magnetic Compass Instruction from Naval Officer
Photograph - Naval Cadets and Officers Preparing a Small Boat
Photograph - Naval Cadets Receiving Anchor and Cables Instruction from Naval Officer
Photograph - Naval Cadet Receiving Navigation Instruction from Naval Officer
Photograph - Cheerleaders from the University of Manitoba
Photograph - Manitoba Agricultural College Students in Military Uniform
Photograph - Group of women standing outside on the steps of a building
Photograph - Jules J. Pynoo
Photograph - Unidentified University of Manitoba Canadian Officers Training Corps Graduate
Photograph - J. W. Abrams
Photograph - Unidentified University of Manitoba Graduate in Police Uniform
Photograph - R. Fletcher Argue
Photograph - Vincent Massey Inspecting Guard of Honour
Photograph - Lucas G. Thompson
Photograph - Vincent Massey Inspects Library Building Plans with Unidentified People
Photograph - A. T. Cameron
Photograph - 1917 Manitoba University Dramatic Society Executive
Photograph - Vincent Massey Inspecting Cadets
Photograph - Vincent Massey Inspecting Cadets
Photograph - University of Manitoba Senior Basketball Team 1926-1927
Photograph - Manitoba Agricultural College Interclass Field Day Champions 1916