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Elizabeth Alice Archibald
Native People: Summary of Problems and Options
The Right to be Indian
Treaty Number 1, 3 August 1871 (Page 3)
Treaty Number 1, 3 August 1871 (Page 6)
Treaty Number 1, 3 August 1871 (Page 12)
Treaty Number 1, 3 August 1871 (Page 10)
Treaty Number 1, 3 August 1871 (Page 8)
Treaty Number 1, 3 August 1871 (Page 4)
Treaty Number 1, 3 August 1871 (Page 2)
Treaty Number 1, 3 August 1871 (Page 7)
Treaty Number 1, 3 August 1871 (Page 1)
Treaty Number 1, 3 August 1871 (Page 9)
Treaty Number 1, 3 August 1871 (Page 11)
Treaty Number 1, 3 August 1871 (Page 5)
Treaty Number 1, 3 August 1871 (Page 13)
Treaty Number 1, 3 August 1871
Letter of 8 February 1873 from Joseph Howe to John Schultz (Page 1)
Letter of 8 February 1873 from Joseph Howe to John Schultz (Page 3)
Letter of 8 February 1873 from Joseph Howe to John Schultz (Page 4)
Letter of 8 February 1873 from Joseph Howe to John Schultz (Page 2)
Letter of 8 February 1873 from Joseph Howe to John Schultz
Draft of letter from Clifford Ahenakew to Pierre Cadieux
Notes on letter to Pierre Cadieux
Drawing: The Colonial Conjuror Making Indians Vanish
Indian Self-Government: Options, Trends, and Implications
Notes: The Long Goodbye
Kelowna draft #3
Notes: Extinguishment/Termination
Notes: Christian Nationalism
Notes: European Belief System
Notes: Implications For Aboriginal People Then and Now...
Notes: Why Treaty Making?
Notes: Preconfederation
Native Claims: Summary and Implications
Canada's Dirty Little Secret: A Race-Based Policy to Extinguish Aboriginal Nations With Finality
Canada's Dirty Little Secret II: Canada's Post-Confederation Genocide Machine
Issues and Strategies: A discussion paper prepared for the National Indian Brotherhood
The Difference Between "Treaty" and "Status"
"Treaty" and "Status": Opposite Directions
Notes: Changing the Character of First Nations Genocide by Definition
Notes: Changing the Character of First Nations Genocide by Definition
Notes: Making Indians Vanish by Assimilation-By-Legislation
Drawing: "They've Even Done Away With Indian Summer"
Treaty Governance Processes Update
Kelowna draft #2
Reveille for First Nations: The Politics of Aggression and Defence
Notes: Francis Bond Head