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Group XVI - Seance Notes: March 28, 1934
Group VIII - Seance Notes: "A Long Conversation with Walter. He Gives a Prediction"
Group II - Photograph: "Second Spurgeon"
Group XVI - Seance Notes: "A Cloud of Teleplasm Shown in Two Positions"
Psychic Phenomena I, #3 - Crude teleplasm
Group XVIa - Seance Notes: May 20, 1934
Group X - Seance Notes: "The Handwriting on the Wall"
Group XVI - Seance Notes: March 18, 1934
Group I - Photograph from seance of September 23, 1928
Group XIIIa - Seance Notes: "More Instructions"
Group XI - Seance Notes: "Walter Thinks 'Work' near Completion"
Group VIII - Seance Notes: "Preparing for the Second Ship"
Psychic Phenomena XII, #5 - Margery, Boston Experiments
Group XI - Seance Notes: "Important Forecasts. Re Coming Materialization"
Group IX - Photographs: "Katie King"
Group XII - Seance Notes: "Hand Simulacrum. Telekinetic Bell-Ringing"
Group XIII - Photograph: Face, Mask and Spinning Hand Phenomena
Group XIV - Seance Notes: "The High Priest Again Speaks"
Group VI - Photographs: "Teleplasm from Eyes and Throat"
Group XI - Seance Notes: "Lucy Predicts that she will Return - Tells of Earth Life"
Group VIII - Seance Notes: "More Preparations. A Light. John Progresses"
Group XI - Seance Notes: "Difficulties Foretold"
Group XII - Seance Notes: "Doyle Face in Teleplasm"
Group I - Photograph description
Group XVI - Seance Notes: February 7, 1934
Group VIII - Seance Notes: "John Talks on Trance, Hypnotism, Energy, Etc. Another Delay."
Group VII - Seance Notes - "Fasting and Power"
Group I - Photographs: Large Ectoplasm on Mary Marshall's Face
Group IX - Seance Notes: "Katie Face + Viel Photographed"
Group VI - Seance Notes: "Some Notes on Sitting of Sept. 29/29"
Psychic Phenomena IX, #4 - Spirit Photography
Group VI - Seance Notes: "A Costly Mistake"
Group XIV - "Extracts from Messages Received Friday March 10/33 through Mrs. Grace Cook"
Group III - Photograph: "The Amorphous Mass"
Group XIII - Seance Notes: "The Second Doyle Face"
Group XVI - Seance Notes: February 18, 1934
Group VII - "Experiments Leading to the Appearance of the LUCY Mass and Face Mar. 10, 1930"
Group X - Transcript: "The Nature of the Spirit World"
Group XVI - Seance Notes: February 11, 1934
Group XVIa - Seance Notes: May 6, 1934
Group III - Drawing of an ectoplasmic apparition
Group XVI - Seance Notes: March 7, 1934
Group XVIa - Seance Excerpts: October 1934 - February 1935
Group X - Seance Notes: "An Upset"
Psychic Phenomena IX, #2 - Spirit Photography
Group V - Photographs: Walter Stunts for the Cannons
Group XII - Seance Notes: "Walter Fails - More Instructions"
Group VII - Seance Notes - "More Instructions from Walter, Sister Lucy Gives Words of Encouragement"