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(145 - 192 of 930)
Group XII - Photographs: "Dog Face Teleplasm"
Group X - Seance Notes and Automatic Writing Script
Group XIIIa - Seance Notes: "Ewan Talks on the Production of Teleplasm"
Group XVI - Seance Notes: "Teleplasm with Finger"
Group XIIIa - Seance Notes: "More About Katie Structure"
Group VIII - Seance Notes: "Second [and Third] Examination of Mercedes Trance"
Group XVI - Seance Notes: January 14, 1934
Group VIII - Seance Notes: "Spurgeon Preaches an Easter Sermon"
Group I - Photograph: "Teleplasmic Mass, Cords connecting MM's head to Bell Box"
Group XII - Seance Notes: "Report of Sitting of February 10, 1932"
Group XVII - Seance Notes: "TGH Manifests"
Group IXa - Seance Notes: Part of February 12, 1931
Group VI - Seance Notes: "The Raymond Face: New Work Foretold"
Group I - "The Long Promised Light Appears"
Psychic Phenomena XI, #1 - Boy Preacher and Spurgeon Teleplasm
Group XVI - Seance Notes: February 4, 1934
Psychic Phenomena IX, #3 - Spirit Photography
Group VII - Seance Notes - "The Pirate Speaks Through Ewan"
Group VII - Seance Notes - "A Pirate Appears"
Group XI - Seance Notes: "Walter Pleads for More Co-operation"
Group XVI - Seance Notes: "The T'zan Teleplasm"
Group XIIIa - Seance Notes: "More Difficulties"
Group XVII - Seance Notes: "Verbatim Records of the L. H. - Dr. Bruce Chown Series of Experiments, 185 Kelvin St., 1935-1936"
Group VIII - Seance Notes: "Third Delay. Dawn Absent"
Group XII - Seance Summaries
Group XII - Seance Excerpt
Group XII - Seance Notes: "Furth Report on Sitting of April 27, 1932"
Group IXa - "Attendance Records of Seances"
Group VII - Seance Notes - "Ewan in Cabinet. Dawn Outside - Words of Encouragement"
Group II - Photograph from the Sitting held Sunday, Nov. 25, 1928, 185 Kelvin St. Wpg. (First Exposure)
Group IXa - Photographs: "Head Mass"
Group III - Signed Affidavits
Group V - Seance Notes and Stereo Photograph: Walter Stunts for the Cannons
Group VI - Seance Notes: "A Costly Mistake"
Group XVIa - Seance Notes: May 12, 1934
Group XVIa - Seance Notes: April 29, 1934
Group IV - Photographs: Fourth Spurgeon Face: Large Mass of Teleplasm
Psychic Phenomena II, #1 - Self-Playing Accordion
Psychic Phenomena I, #1 - Crude teleplasm
Group VII - Seance Notes - "More Instructions from Walter and Sister Lucy"
Group X - "2nd Script. April 26, 1931"
Group XIII - Seance Notes: "Doyle Speaks"
Group XI - Seance Notes: "At Last - Materialization Appears"
Group X - Seance Summaries for May
Group XVI - Seance Notes: March 25, 1934
Group VII - Seance Notes: "A Funny Picture Promised"
Group VI - Photographs: "The Raymond Lodge & Jack Barnes Teleplasm"
Miscellaneous #3 - Trance Writing - C.H. Spurgeon