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(49 - 96 of 930)
Group V - Seance Notes: "Serious Words from Black Hawk"
Group VII - Seance Notes: "Instructions and Work for 'Materialization'"
Group VII - "Report by Dr. Wm. Creighton"
Walter II, #4 - Thumbprint of Walter
Group III - Seance Notes: "Very Brilliant Light Manifestation"
Group VI - Seance Notes: "M. M. Receives a New Name"
Group III - Seance Notes: "Second Cloud of Teleplasm"
Group VIII - Seance Notes: "A Long Conversation with Walter. He Gives a Prediction"
Walter I, preliminary - Seance Prior to Development of Teleplasmic Hand in Dental Wax
Group II - Seance Notes, "Further Arrangements Re Photograph"
Group II - "Report on the Sitting held Sunday, Nov. 25, 1928, 185 Kelvin St. Wpg."
Walter II, #5 - Thumbprints of Walter
Group III - Seance Notes: "Instructions, Bell Ringing, Interference"
Group II - Seance Notes
Group VII - "Report of Activities Preliminary to Sitting"
Group V - Seance Notes: "A Short Sitting: Light and Bell"
Group III - Seance Note
Group II - Seance Notes: "The Third "Spurgeon" Face"
Group II - Seance Notes
Group VI - Seance Notes: "Black Hawk Makes Known Identity of Upper Face of Teleplasm of Oct. 27, 1929"
Walter II, #1 - Thumbprints of Walter
Group III - Seance Notes: "Conversations and Instructions"
Group XIII - Seance Notes: "Sitting with Mrs. Singleton - England"
Group II - "A Delay. Medium Disobeys Walter's Instructions"
Group II - Seance Notes: "A Delay"
Group I - "Brilliant Phenomena"
Group II - Seance Notes, "Further Arrangements Re Photograph"
Group III - Seance Notes: "An Absentee"
Group V - Seance Notes: "Final Directions for Big Picture"
Group IV - Seance Notes: "Fourth Spurgeon Face: Large Mass of Teleplasm"
Group VII - "Report by Mrs. Creighton"
Group III - Seance Notes: "More Instructions"
Group III - Seance Notes: "Spurgeon Preaches an Easter Sermon"
Group VI - Drawing: "Lead Kindly Light!"
Telekinesis #26a - Levitating table
Group IX - Seance Notes: "R. L. S. Writes through Mercedes"
Group VII - "Miss Turner's Report on the 'Whistle' Phenomenon"
Group III - Seance Notes: "More Instructions and Preparation"
Group V - Seance Notes: "We Miss the Big Picture"
Group XI - Seance Notes: "R. L. S. Wants his Work to Continue" and "Walter encourages the Sitters"
Group VII - Letter from Pitblado
Walter II, #3 - Thumbprint of Walter
Group I - Seance Notes
Group III - Seance Notes: "Arranges for Small Photograph"
Group XVI - Affidavit from Ada Turner and Ethel Muir
Group II - Seance Notes: "'District Attorney' present but no photographs"
Group V - Seance Note: "Walter Foretells Two Things"
Group VI - "Photography of Teleplasm"