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"Stained glass windows"
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Photograph - Ernest Ashcroft
Preliminary sketch for stained glass window
Preliminary sketches for stained glass window
Preliminary sketch for stained glass window
Preliminary painting for St. John's College stained glass
Preliminary painting for St. John's College stained glass
Preliminary sketch for St. John's College stained glass
Preliminary sketches for stained glass window
Preliminary sketch for St. John's College stained glass
Preliminary sketches for St. John's College stained glass
Preliminary sketches for St. John's College stained glass
Preliminary sketch for St. John's College stained glass
Preliminary sketch for St. John's College stained glass
Preliminary sketch for St. John's College stained glass
Preliminary sketch for St. John's College stained glass
Preliminary sketch for St. John's College stained glass
Preliminary sketch for St. John's College stained glass
Preliminary sketches for St. John's College stained glass
Preliminary sketch for St. John's College stained glass
Preliminary sketches for St. John's College stained glass
Preliminary sketches for St. John's College stained glass
Preliminary sketch for St. John's College stained glass
Preliminary sketch for St. John's College stained glass
Preliminary sketches for St. John's College stained glass
Preliminary sketch for St. John's College stained glass
Preliminary sketch for St. John's College stained glass
Preliminary painting for St. John's College stained glass
Preliminary sketches for stained glass window
Preliminary sketch for stained glass window
Preliminary sketch for stained glass window
Preliminary sketches for stained glass window
Preliminary painting for St. John's College stained glass
Preliminary sketches for St. John's College stained glass
Preliminary sketch for St. John's College stained glass
Preliminary sketch for St. John's College stained glass
Preliminary sketches for stained glass window
Preliminary sketches for stained glass window