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"Speeches, addresses, etc"
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(1 - 42 of 42)
Letter from Walter Rudnicki to Noel Starblanket
Letter from Walter Rudnicki to Bruce Cottingham
Photograph - John Turner at Liberal Conference, Winnipeg
Photograph - John Turner at Liberal Conference, Winnipeg
Photograph - John Turner at Liberal Conference, Winnipeg
Notes on "The Long Goodbye"
Arctic Speech
Photograph - Richard Spink Bowles
Photograph - Andrew Russell Paulley
Photograph - Maureen McTeer and Barbara Lyon
Photograph - Maureen McTeer
Photograph - Maureen McTeer
Photograph - Georges P. Vanier
Photograph - Pierre Trudeau
Photograph - Pierre Trudeau
Photograph - Dr. C. E. Abbott
Kelowna draft #3
Indian Development Issues Post-Patriation
Notes: U.S. Termination
Photograph - Joe Clark
Photograph - Joe Clark
Photograph - Joe Clark
Photograph - Joe Clark
Photograph - Joe Clark
Photograph - Joe Clark
Photograph - Joe Clark
Photograph - Joe Clark
Photograph - Joe Clark
Photograph - Joe Clark
Photograph - Joe Clark
Photograph - Joe Clark
Photograph - Joe Clark
Photograph - Joe Clark
Kelowna draft #2
Photograph - Joe Clark
Photograph - Jean Chrtien
Kelowna draft #1
Photograph - Joe Clark and Maureen McTeer
Presentation: Indigenous/Federal Governance
Time For Decision: 1981
Photograph - Joe Clark, Maureen McTeer, and Sterling Lyon
Milly Poplar speech to Union of B.C. Indian Chiefs