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Political cartoon: Racist Belief System
The Third Option: A Native Role in Confederation
Notes: Colonial agenda
Indian Self-Government: Options, Trends, and Implications
Notes: The Long Goodbye
Indian Development Issues Post-Patriation
Notes: Extinguishment/Termination
Notes: Christian Nationalism
Notes: European Belief System
Notes: Implications For Aboriginal People Then and Now...
Notes: Why Treaty Making?
Notes: Preconfederation
Notes: European colonisation
The Difference Between "Treaty" and "Status"
Notes: Victorian Racist Beliefs
Notes: Smallpox
Notes: Racism
Notes: Extinguishment
Draft: AFN and Federal Policy
"Treaty" and "Status": Opposite Directions
Notes: Changing the Character of First Nations Genocide by Definition
Notes: Changing the Character of First Nations Genocide by Definition
Strengthening Aboriginal Governance
Reveille for First Nations: The Politics of Aggression and Defence
Notes: Francis Bond Head
Notes: History of Indigenous-Government Relations
Draft: Indian Statehood: The Protection and Advancement of Indian Rights by Indians--for Indians
Indian Statehood: The Protection and Advancement of Indian Rights by Indians--for Indians
Notes: 2 -- 1876-1960 Indian Act Tyranny
Notes: Historical Background
Notes: B -- Treaty Making
Notes: 5 -- 1971-2001 - White Paper Goes Underground
Notes: C -- Federal System Evolution and First Nations Survival Option
Notes:4 -- 1968-1971 White Paper
Notes: 7 -- What's Ahead? Feds
Notes: 8 -- What's Ahead? AFN
Presentation: Indigenous/Federal Governance
Draft: C-52 Discussion Paper
Indian Self-Government: Framework for Discussion and Development
Draft: The Aboriginal Constitutional Package of 1992: Its Hidden Sting
Draft II: The Aboriginal Constitutional Package of 1992: Its Hidden Sting
No Other Way
Milly Poplar speech to Union of B.C. Indian Chiefs