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"Shopping malls"
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Saskatoon Market Mall
Saskatoon Market Mall
Saskatoon Market Mall
Interior of Polo Park Shopping Centre (1485 Portage Ave), 1968
Interior shopping mall
Saskatoon Market Mall
Immigration Branch ads, with Polo Park
"Mock Wall" sculpture outside Polo Park Shopping Centre (1485 Portage Ave)
"Cocks and Sun" sculpture at Polo Park (1485 Portage Ave)
Architect's sketch of Mall Centre and Mall Hotel
Richmond Plaza Safeway
Strip mall
Newsclipping - "At last, we'll get our first pedestrian mall"
Architect's sketch of a shopping mall
Architect's sketch of a strip mall
Architect's drawing of concourse under Portage and Main
Architects' painting of a shopping centre and residential complex
Architect's drawing of Saskatoon Market Mall
Architects' painting of a shopping centre and residential complex
Newsclipping - "The Changing Face of Winnipeg... where thistles grew"
Architect's sketch of Thompson Shopping Centre
Architect's sketch of Thompson Shopping Centre
Portage Place
Westwood Village Shopping Center (Portage Ave)
Sketch of West Kildonan Shopping Centre (1670 Main St)
Architect's sketch of Woolworth's store in Thompson City Centre
Architect's sketch of Woolworth store in Thompson City Centre
Architect's sketch of Woolworth's store in Thompson City Centre
Architect's drawing of Saskatoon Market Mall
Architect's drawing of Saskatoon Market Mall
Architect's drawing of Saskatoon Market Mall
Newsclipping - "The Mall Centre: excitement of truly urban way of life"