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(145 - 192 of 1,059)
Group II - "Report of Sitting Held at 185 Kelvin St., Winnipeg"
Group XIII - Seance Notes: "Dawn Refuses to Come"
Group XI - Seance Notes: "Another Miss"
Group V - Seance Summaries
Group III - Seance Notes
Group IXa - Title Page: "The Shining Garment Appears"
Transcription of a 1931 seance
Group XIII - Seance Notes: "Dawn Refuses to Come"
Group III - Seance Notes: "A Cloud of Teleplasm"
Group II - Seance Notes, "Walter Promises a Real Picture"
Group III - Seance Notes: "A Flash by Chance. Black & White teleplasm"
Group VI - Seance Notes: "The Gladstone Photograph and Other Marvels"
Group IX, #32h - Katie King Face, Veil, Hair, Notes
Group III - Seance Notes: "Walter in a Critical Mood"
Group V - Seance Notes: "Visitors from the Margery Circle"
Group II - Seance Notes
Group VIII - Seance Summaries
Annotated Photo Album, Groups I-III - Photographic Equipment
Group XIII - "Victor Phones his Impressions"
Group VI - "Report of Sitting held September 8, 1929"
Group VII - Seance Notes: "More Instructions from Walter"
Group III - Seance Notes: "The Largest Mass of Teleplasm Yet"
Psychic Phenomena XII, #26 - Margery, Boston Experiments
Annotated Photo Album, Telekinesis - View of Seance Room from Cabinet
Group XII - Attendance Redords of Seances
Group VI - "Gladstone Face"
Walter III, #3 - Voice-Cut-Out Machine
Group VII - Seance Notes: "Black Hawk Makes Known Identity of Upper Face Teleplasm of Oct. 27, 1929"
Group II - Seance Notes: "Second Spurgeon Likeness"
Group VI - Seance Notes: "Elizabeth Receives New Name" and "A Wonderful Picture Promised"
Group VII - Seance Notes: "Teleplasmic Hand - A Simulacrum"
Group II - Seance Notes
Group VI - Seance Notes: "Teleplasm from MM's Eyes and Throat"
Group II - "A Wonderful Promise"
Psychic Phenomena XII, #27 - Margery, Boston Experiments
Group II - Seance Notes: "Walter Still the Engineer"
Group V - Seance Notes: "Special Sitting for Visitors from New York"
Group VI - Seance Notes: "Description and Initials of Man who is to be Photographed"
Group III - Seance Notes
Group VII - Seance Notes for March 10, 1930
Group XIII - Seance Notes: "Sitting with Mrs. Singleton - England"
Group II - Seance Notes: "Spurgeon Speaks"
Group XI - Seance Notes: "Victor's Report November 22, 1931"
Group V - Seance Notes: "Serious Words from Black Hawk"
Group VII - Seance Notes: "Instructions and Work for 'Materialization'"
Psychic Phenomena XII, #21 - Margery, Boston Experiments
Walter III, #2 - Voice-Cut-Out Machine
Walter III, #1 - Voice-Cut-Out Machine