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(145 - 192 of 249)
Photograph - University of Manitoba Faculty of Medicine graduating class, 1936
Photograph - Medical women's sports team, 1927-1928
Photograph - First Executive Committee of the Manitoba Medical College Athletic Association, 1904-1905
Photograph - Rube Hadfield and Dr. J. R. George
James Kerr and J. Wilford Good
Frank White and Audrey Kerr
Marcel Blanchaer and Hans Jacobs
Photograph - Dr. R. H. Parker and family
Photograph - Walter Jacobson Lindal and Paul H. T. Thorlakson
Photograph - Paul Thorlakson, Sigurbjrn Einarsson, Henry Duckworth
Photograph - Peter Lommerse
Photograph - Otto Schmidt
Photograph - Dr. Peter Lommerse, Dr. Kenneth Wylie, Richard Sprague
Photograph - Sig Enns
Photograph - C. Ben Schoemperlen and James R. Mitchell
Photograph - Walter Colert, Mary Janzen, Gordon Janzen
Photograph - Ruvin Lyons, Edith Lyons, Ellen Lyons, and Ted Lyons
Photograph - Manitoba Medical College Association Football Team, 1895-1896
Photograph - Manitoba Medical girls' basketball club, 1917-1918
Photograph - Manitoba Medical women's hockey team, circa 1925
Photograph - Charles Faiman
Photograph - Pat Flynn
Photograph - Henry G. Friesen and Ian Worsley
Photograph - Viktor Havlicek
Photograph - Charles Faiman
Photograph - Pat Flynn
Photograph - Henry G. Friesen and Ian Worsley
Arnold Rogers and Audrey Kerr
Biochemistry department, January 1972
Lillian Hnatiuk, Lyonel Israels, Audrey Kerr
Lillian Hnatiuk, Lyonel Israels, Audrey Kerr
Biochemistry staff, 1955
Biochemistry department, 1968
Biochemistry department, 1955
Arnold Naimark and Peter Dresel
Photograph - Manitoba Medical College football team, 1916
Photograph - Manitoba Medical College football team, 1901-1902
Photograph - Manitoba Medical College football team, 1901-1902
Photograph - Manitoba Medical track team, 1920-1921
Photograph - Manitoba Medical College Association Football Team, 1897-1898
Photograph - Manitoba Medical College track team, 1905
Photograph - Manitoba Medical College track team, 1905
Photograph - Manitoba Medical College football team, 1917
Photograph - Manitoba Medical College Association Football Team, 1895-1896
Photograph - Manitoba Medical College hockey team, 1903-1904
Photograph - Manitoba Medical College hockey team, 1903-1904
Photograph - Medical College track team, 1928-1929
Photograph - Medical College track team, 1929-1930