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Photograph - Heimbecker House
Annotated Photo Album, Groups XIV-XVIII - #69, Sir Edward Reed
Annotated Photo Album, Groups XIV-XVIII - #69, Sir Edward Reed (Annotation)
Annotated Photo Album, 1930-1951 - "Black Hawk" Statue
Photograph - Lionel Essiambre
Photograph - Ernest Reid
Photograph - Arnold Pollock
Photograph - Arthur Penson and Robin Ward
Photograph - A.V. Pigott
Photograph - Lionel Essiambre
Photograph - Mitch Podolak
Photograph - R. E. Trudeau, F. M. Manwaring, and W. F. Moffat
Photograph - Lionel Essiambre, Ray Hilson, and Eric Hells
Photograph - Jean Enns
Photograph - James E. Reid
Photograph - Ernest Reid
Photograph of Water Pipes
Photograph of Advanced House Gas Refueling Station
Unidentified staff lounge
Manitoba Marriages
Photograph - "Manitoba Album" - homes
Photograph of Traincar
Photograph of a Traincar without Paint
Photograph - Dr. M. Potoski
Photograph - Father Odilon LaRochelle
Canada One Centre - Investor's Group Building
Manitoba Theatre Centre
Photograph - Charles Gardner
Lower Fort Garry
North End in winter
Contact sheet with miscellaneous photographs
Downtown Winnipeg
Contact sheet with downtown Winnipeg photographs
North End in winter
Downtown Winnipeg
Main Street in downtown Winnipeg
Photograph - Graeme Fraser
St. Boniface police station, county court, and health unit
Photograph - Grace Hartman
Photograph - Charles Gardner
Photograph - Graeme Fraser
Winnipeg Mill exterior
Winnipeg Mill exterior
Winnipeg Mill exterior
Winnipeg Mill exterior
Winnipeg Mill interior shot
Winnipeg Mill exterior
Winnipeg Mill exterior