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Memorandum for scrutineers, c. 1917, excerpt
Association des Canadiens Français du Manitoba, ébauche du procès-verbal de la réunion du comité de formation, 25 février 1916 (Page 1)
Association des Canadiens Français du Manitoba, ébauche du procès-verbal de la réunion du comité de formation, 25 février 1916 (Page 2)
Association des Canadiens Français du Manitoba, ébauche du procès-verbal de la réunion du comité de formation, 25 février 1916
Taylor McAffrey Chapman offices
Taylor McAffrey Chapman offices
Photograph - Lily Schreyer and Elizabeth Schreyer
From the Bar to the Bench by The Honourable Mr. Justice Richard Wagner
Photograph - Dianne Bechard and Lawrie Mitchell
"Cour Suprême du Canada dans l’affaire des règlements 480 et 482 de la cité de Winnipeg requête de John Kelly Barrett pour faire décider de la validité de l’acte des Écoles Publiques Du Manitoba de 1890" dans Documents concernant les Écoles séparées du
Lettre du 12 mars 1890 de Joseph Raymond à Alexandre Antonin Taché (Page 2)
Lettre du 12 mars 1890 de Joseph Raymond à Alexandre Antonin Taché
Lettre du 12 mars 1890 de Joseph Raymond à Alexandre Antonin Taché (Page 1)
Lettre du 12 mars 1890 de Joseph Raymond à Alexandre Antonin Taché (Page 3)
Taylor McAffrey Chapman offices
Taylor McAffrey Chapman offices
Taylor McAffrey Chapman offices
Taylor McAffrey Chapman offices
Taylor McAffrey Chapman offices
Buchwald, Asper, Henteleff Office
Taylor McAffrey Chapman offices
Buchwald, Asper, Henteleff Office
Minutes, Women’s Christian Temperance Union Provincial Executive, 23 May 1916, excerpt, p. 77
"The School Settlement Apparently Less Satisfactory than Ever" in The Mail, 25 November 1896
Petition presented by the Political Equality League, 23 December 1915
“Lord Russell on Separate Schools” (from scrapbook Manitoba Schools Question 1896 – 1906, Newspaper clippings p.9)
"The Settlement" in Telegram, 17 November 1896
"The Proposed School Settlement" in Winnipeg Tribune, 12 September 1896
Minutes, Political Equality League, 9 January 1913, excerpt, not paginated
"The Manitoba Danger Signal" in Catholic Register, 26 November 1896 (Page 1)
"The Manitoba Danger Signal" in Catholic Register, 26 November 1896 (Page 2)
Suggestions for settlement of Manitoba School Question from Dominion Commissioners for Manitoba Governement (Page 1)
Suggestions for settlement of Manitoba School Question from Dominion Commissioners for Manitoba Governement (Page 2)
"The Manitoba Danger Signal" in Catholic Register, 26 November 1896
Suggestions for settlement of Manitoba School Question from Dominion Commissioners for Manitoba Governement
Circulaire confidentiel de Monseigneur Arthur Béliveau aux conseils scolaires des districts bilingues du Manitoba, 20 août 1916
Letter of 7 March 1905 from Wilfrid Laurier to Rev. George Bryce (Page 2)
Letter of 7 March 1905 from Wilfrid Laurier to Rev. George Bryce (Page 1)
Letter of 7 March 1905 from Wilfrid Laurier to Rev. George Bryce (Page 4)
Letter of 7 March 1905 from Wilfrid Laurier to Rev. George Bryce
Newsclipping - "House may become home of law offices"
Indecent Acts: The Trials of the Body Politic
Minutes, Manitoba Federation of Agriculture. Women's Committee. Oakville Branch, 8 Feb 1916, excerpt, not paginated (Page 2)
Speech by Major Mulvey in the Manitoba Legislature, on the School question, February 26th, 1898; as reported in the Free Press of February 27th, 1896
Minutes, Manitoba Women’s Institute. Pilot Mound District, 1 January 1914, (Page 2)
Minutes, Manitoba Women’s Institute. Pilot Mound District, 1 January 1914, (Page 1)
Minutes, Manitoba Federation of Agriculture. Women's Committee. Oakville Branch, 8 Feb 1916, excerpt, not paginated (Page 1)
Minutes, Manitoba Women’s Institute. Pilot Mound District, 1 January 1914,