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Unidentified gymnasium
Photograph of Investors Group Athletic Centre
High School
Elementary School
St. Pierre School
Photograph - Bison Building Gymnasium
Photograph - Student Gymnast at the University of Manitoba
Photograph - Student Gymnasts at the University of Manitoba
Photograph - Young women of the Home Economics Faculty in the gymnasium of University Residence
Photograph - Student Gymnasts at the University of Manitoba
Photograph - Student Gymnast at the University of Manitoba
Photograph - Student Gymnast at the University of Manitoba
Photograph - Student Gymnast at the University of Manitoba
Photograph - Gymnasium at Manitoba Agricultural College
Photograph - Student Gymnast at the University of Manitoba
Photograph - Student Gymnast at the University of Manitoba
Photograph - Female students in the gymnasium
Photograph - Female students in the gymnasium
Photograph - Group of Female students in the gymnasium
Photograph - Female students in the gymnasium
Photograph - Group of Female students in the gymnasium
Photograph - Students Playing Badminton in Frank Kennedy Centre
Photograph - Young women of the Home Economics Faculty in the gymnasium of University Residence
Photograph - Young women of the Home Economics Faculty in the gymnasium of University Residence
Photograph - Bison Gymnasium During Examinations
Photograph - University of Manitoba Basketball Game