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Strolling in East Berlin 1946
Kronberg Castle
The Brandenburg Tor in Berlin 1946
The town of Heidelburg, Germany
Journal article written in German by Dieter Roger, re: a memorial to Dr. F. Eckhardts, 1999
Typed transcript of letter from Frederick Philip Grove to Mr. Warkentin, re: teaching at Winkler, Manitoba, 1913
Letter from Frederick Philip Grove to Mr. Warkentin, re: teaching at Winkler, Manitoba, 1913
Photograph of Frederick Philip Grove and his daughter on a sleigh ride, Ashfield, Manitoba, 1920
Photograph of Frederick Philip Grove walking through the snow, Ashfield, Manitoba, 1920
Letter from Frederick Philip Grove to Mr. Warkentin, re: Grove's early years in Manitoba, 1913, pg.1
Newsclipping, "Fund is set up to help 8 miners," 1968
Newsclipping, "Alone in a new country with $2," 1967
Typed transcript of letter from Frederick Philip Grove to Mr. Warkentin, re: Grove's early years in Manitoba, 1913
Photograph of Frederick Philip Grove and his daughter on their porch, Talmouth, Manitoba, ca. 1920
Letter from Frederick Philip Grove to Mr. Warkentin, re: teaching at Winkler, Manitoba, 1913, pg. 1
Typed transcript of letter from Frederick Philip Grove to Mr. Warkentin, re: teaching at Winkler, Manitoba, 1913, pg. 1
Frankfurt statue amidst rubble
Photocopy of Frederick Philip Grove's "Oath of Allegiance" and "Attestation of Oath of Allegiance," 1921
Photocopy of letter from D. Morrison to Secretary of State of Canada, re: naturalization papers of immigrants, including Frederick Philip Grove, 1921
Photocopy of Frederick Philip Grove's "Petition for Naturalization", 1921, pg. 1
Photocopy of Frederick Philip Grove's "Application for a Decision" concerning his Canadian citizenship, 1920
Photograph of pony stable built by Frederick Philip Grove at Ashfield, Manitoba, 1920
Newsclipping, "Manitoba Goodwill Supporting Refugee Camp Clearance Move," 1960
Reprint of photograph of post-First World War German immigrants, 1979, front
Newsclipping, "260 Mennonites From Germany Arrive in West," 1948
Newsclipping, "Manitoba Adopts Camp of Refugees," 1959
Newsclipping, "Manitoba Is Only $716 Short of Aim," 1960
Newsclipping, "We'll Get 5 TB Victims," 1960
Photocopy of letter from Department of the Secretary of State to the Clerk of the County Court, Selkirk, Manitoba, re: Frederick Philip Grove's Certificate of Naturalization, 1921
Photograph of pony stable construction by Frederick Philip Grove near Ashfield, Manitoba, ca. 1920
Typed transcript of published short story, "A First Night on Canadian Soil", by Frederick Philip Grove, n.d., pg. 1
Photocopy of letter from Arthur Brophy to D. Morrison, re: procedures for processing naturalization applications, 1921, pg. 1
Newsclipping, "$2,000 Grant For Refugees In Germany," 1960
Crossing a Bailey Bridge into Germany
Approach to Koblenz, a battered German town on the Rhine
Frankfurt U.S. Army Engineering Supply Headquarters stands next to ruins
Typed transcript of letter from Frederick Philip Grove to Mr. Warkentin, re: Grove's struggle for respect as principal of Winkler, Manitoba school, 1913, pg. 1
Newsclipping - "Western Germany's Example," 1955
Newsclippings - "Consign Him to the Codfish," "Lessons for Canada," 1955
Newsclippings, "Chinese refugees get jobs days after arriving here," "Refugee families," 1962
Newsclipping, "Religion appears 'watered down'," 1975
Letter from Frederick Philip Grove to Mr. Warkentin, re: Grove's struggle for respect as principal of Winkler, Manitoba school, 1913, pg. 1
Newsclipping, "Bartsch statue Manitoba-bound from Russia," 1968
Newsclipping, "'Miracle' opens new page in saga of a monument," 1968
Newsclipping, "Grants 'German' Delegates Right To Meet In City," 1915
Newsclippings, "Thousands legalize citizen status," "Immigrants critical," 1966
Exploring Frankfurt ruins
Newsclipping - "Exiles Without Homes," 1946