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"Financial institutions"
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(1 - 48 of 125)
Photograph of Scotia Bank building
Photograph of Scotia Bank building
List of probable plans for opening of One Canada Centre building
Story about granite delivery for One Canada Centre building
Reasons for the selection of the name 'One Canada Centre' for the Investors' Group Inc. building
Trivia questions about the One Canada Centre building for Investors' Group employees
List of Investors' Group Inc. reasons to move to a new building
Photograph - Hamilton and Bank of Commerce Buildings (389 and 395 Main St)
Photograph - Bank of Hamilton building (395 Main St)
Photograph - Canadian Bank of Commerce (389 Main St)
Photograph - Hamilton and Bank of Commerce Buildings (395 and 389 Main St)
Photograph - youthful demonstrators at City Hall
Photograph - youthful demonstrators at City Hall
Photograph - Dominion Bank (440 Main St)
Photograph - Bank of Nova Scotia Building (254-258 Portage Ave)
Photograph - Bank of Commerce and Bank of Hamilton buildings (389 and 395 Main St)
Photograph - Hamilton and Bank of Commerce Buildings (389 and 395 Main St)
Photograph - spiral staircase in Bank of Hamilton building (395 Main St)
Newsclipping - "Preservation advised for five city buildings"
Newsclipping - "Restoration closer to reality"
Newsclipping - "Old building an asset to city: Berton"
Newsclipping - "Bank of Commerce Building receives a five-year reprieve"
Newsclipping - "Tax incentives are urged to save historic buildings"
Photograph of the National Bank Building
Photograph of National Bank Building
Photograph of the National Bank Building
Newsclipping - "Why tear it down?"
Bank of Montreal office building
Bank of Montreal office building
Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce
Bank of Montreal office building
Royal Bank Building
Bank of Montreal office building
Photograph - Union Trust building (Main and Lombard)
Newsclipping - "A different kind of bank interest"
Photograph of Oak Hammock Marsh Wetland
Newsclipping - "Those old banks are a delight"
Newsclipping - "Scotiabank building too young at 72 to die"
Newsclipping - "Rebuilding block may save banks"
Photograph from the Richardson building rooftop, zoomed in on the Toronto Dominion Bank building
Newsclipping - "Historic buildings can't go it alone says report to city"
Newsclipping - "Historical Society fighting to rescue bank buildings"
Newsclipping - "Relisted by city / Bank reprieved from wreckers"
Newsclipping - "Don't rush for bulldozers"
Newsclipping - "Protect old building: MP"
Photograph of Exchange District Demolition
Photograph of Downtown Winnipeg
Notes from interview with Jim Weselake and Susan (Turner) Kruszynski re: renovation of Bank of Montreal building at Portage and Main
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