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Photograph - Oak Room at Tache Hall
Photograph - Oak Room at Tache Hall
Photograph - Tache Hall
Negative - Tache Hall on the University of Manitoba Fort Garry campus
Photograph - Tache Hall
Negative - M.A.C. 1916 B.S.A. graduating class on steps of Men's Residence
Negative - Jim Bell and H.W. Winkler in M.A.C. dorm room
Photograph - Mary Speechly Hall Student Residence
Photograph - University College Student Residence
Photograph - Tache Hall
Photograph - Tache Hall
Photograph - Tache Hall
Photograph - Tache Hall
Photograph - Taché Hall
Photograph - Taché Hall
Photograph - Taché Hall
Negative - Taché Hall
Photograph - Mary Speechly Hall Student Residence
Photograph - Taché Hall
Photograph - Tach�Hall
Photograph - Tache Hall
Photograph - Tache Hall
Photograph - Tache Hall
Photograph - Mary Speechly Hall Student Residence
Photograph - Tache Hall
Photograph - Tach Hall
Photograph - Roblin Hall residence at the Manitoba Agricultural College Tuxedo campus
Photograph - Roblin Hall residence at the Manitoba Agricultural College Tuxedo campus
Transparency - Mary Speechly Hall and Pembina Hall
Photograph - Roblin Hall residence at the Manitoba Agricultural College Tuxedo campus
Photograph - University of Manitoba Fort Garry Campus
Photograph - Taché Hall
Photograph - Taché Hall
Photograph - Tache Hall
Photograph - Tache Hall
Photograph - Tache Hall
Photograph - Tache Hall
Photograph - postcard of Manitoba Agricultural College Fort Garry campus
Photograph - Roblin Hall residence at the Manitoba Agricultural College Tuxedo campus
Photograph - Tache Hall residence under construction
Photograph - University College at the University of Manitoba
Photograph - Taché Hall Residence, Engineering Building, and Powerhouse at the Manitoba Agricultural College
Photograph - Home economics student sitting on a bed in the bedroom of the Practice Apartment wearing her nightgown and looking in a mirror.
Photograph - Unidentified woman by a bed in a dormitory in the Practice Apartment.
Photograph - St. John's College Student Residence
Photograph - Taché Hall
Photograph - Unidentified woman sitting and studying in the dormitory of the Practice Apartment.
Photograph - Home Economics student sitting at a desk and studying
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