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"Department stores"
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Photograph - Durrell Smith
Photograph - William Templin and Harry Munro
Photograph - Julie Lloyd
Hudson's Bay House
Hudson's Bay Company Regina parking lot
Hudson's Bay Company Regina parking lot
Contact sheet with Woolco department store sections in Grant Park Plaza
Record display at Woolco in Grant Park Plaza
Mannequins in Woolco in Grant Park Plaza
Record section in Woolco in Grant Park Plaza
Pharmacy counter at Woolco in Grant Park Plaza
Shoe display in Woolco in Grant Park Plaza
Hardware department in Woolco in Grant Park Plaza
Mannequins in Woolco in Grant Park Plaza
Mannequins in Woolco in Grant Park Plaza
Mannequin display at Woolco in Grant Park Plaza
Shoe department in Woolco in Grant Park Plaza
Floor coverings display at Woolco in Grant Park Plaza
Pharmacy counter at Woolco in Grant Park Plaza
Hudson's Bay House grounds plan
Simpsons Sears building
Simpsons Sears building
Newsclipping - "Building retains historical flavor"
Photograph - Robert L. Peters
Photograph - Julie Lloyd
Photograph - Vincent Price
Research notes about Hudson's Bay Company retail store on Portage Avenue, Winnipeg
Research notes about Winnipeg's Hudson's Bay Company retail store
Research notes about Hudson's Bay Company retail store in Winnipeg
Architect's sketch of Woolworth's store in Thompson City Centre
Architect's sketch of Woolworth store in Thompson City Centre
Architect's sketch of Woolworth's store in Thompson City Centre