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Photograph - J. R. Weir
Photograph - James McCulloch Brown
Photograph - Dr. H. P. Armes
Photograph - Earle D. MacPhee and Harry D. Fowler
Photograph - David, Robbie, Jimmie, Nancy, D. E. and Mrs. D. E. Lloyd
Photograph - Melvin Loewen
Photograph - Jacob Cohen and Maxwell Cohen
Photograph - Melvin Loewen
Photograph - Melvin Loewen, Margaret Loewen, Mrs. J. T. Loewen, John David Loewen, Gerry Loewen, James Loewen, Elfrieda Loewen, and Barbara Loewen.
Photograph - Melvin Loewen, Margaret Loewen, John David Loewen, Gerry Loewen, James Loewen, Elfrieda Loewen, and Barbara Loewen.
H. H. Saunderson instructing COTC cadets, 1945
Correspondence between George Swinton and Trevor Tolley
Photograph - David Scott Woods
Photograph - University of Manitoba Seventy-Fifth Anniversary Ceremony
Photograph - Convocation Ceremony at University of Manitoba
Photograph - W. J. Waines
Photograph - University of Manitoba Seventy-Fifth Anniversary Ceremony
Slide - Edwin P. Fetherstonhaugh, William H. McEwen, D. S. Woods, and William J. Waines at University of Manitoba Broadway Campus