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Lourdes Calvary/Grotto in Cook's Creek, Manitoba
Early stage in construction of the Calvary/Grotto in Cook's Creek, Manitoba
Fr. Philip Ruh, OMI surrounded by children in Cook's Creek, Manitoba
Lourdes Calvary/Grotto in Cook's Creek, Manitoba
Early stages in construction of the Lourdes Calvary/Grotto in Cook's Creek, Manitoba
Lourdes Calvary/Grotto in Cook's Creek, Manitoba
Early stage in construction of the Calvary/Grotto in Cook's Creek, Manitoba
Newsclipping - "Historic Sites Tower Urged"
Newsclipping - "Outdoor market starts --: Albert Street area renovation goal of neighborhood business"
Newsclipping - "The Changing Face of Winnipeg... where thistles grew"
Bishop Ladyka's visit to Ukrainian Catholic church in Cook's Creek, which is under construction
Ukrainian Catholic church in Cook's Creek, Manitoba
Early stages in construction of the grotto in Skaro, Alberta
St. Josaphat Ukrainian Catholic Church, under construction, Edmonton, Alberta
Blessing of the Crosses in Cook's Creek, Manitoba
Early stages in construction of the grotto in Skaro, Alberta
Ukrainian Catholic church in Cook's Creek, under construction
Aerial view of Ukrainian Catholic church and grotto in Cook's Creek, Manitoba, from the north-west
Ukrainian Catholic church in Dauphin, Manitoba, under construction
Ukrainian Catholic Church of the Holy Ascension of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Winnipegosis, Manitoba
Congregation assembled in Calvary/Grotto during early Pilgrimage in Cook's Creek, Manitoba
First Communion class in Cook's Creek, Manitoba
Ukrainian Catholic church in Cloverleaf, Manitoba
Early stages of construction of the Ukrainian Catholic church, Cook's Creek, Manitoba
First Communion class in Cook's Creek, Manitoba
Early stages in construction of the grotto in Skaro, Alberta
Early stages in construction of the grotto in Skaro, Alberta
Ukrainian Catholic church in Cook's Creek, Manitoba, under construction
Installation of statue in Lourdes grotto, Cook's Creek, Manitoba
Early stages of construction of the Ukrainian Catholic church, Cook's Creek, Manitoba
Ukrainian Catholic church in Cook's Creek, Manitoba
Outdoor procession, Cook's Creek, Manitoba
Ukrainian Catholic church in West Selkirk, Manitoba
Early stages of construction of a Ukrainian Catholic church, perhaps in Edmonton, Alberta
Blessing of the Crosses in Cook's Creek, Manitoba
Early stages in construction of the grotto in Skaro, Alberta
The Ukrainian Catholic Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Portage la Prairie, Manitoba, under construction
St. Josaphat Ukrainian Catholic Church, under construction, Edmonton, Alberta
SSMI orphanage, built by Fr. Philip Ruh, OMI in Edmonton, 1918
Collage of construction of Ukrainian Catholic church and Calvary/Grotto in Cook's Creek, Manitoba
Ukrainian Catholic Church of the Holy Ascension of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Winnipegosis, Manitoba
Metropolitan Maxim Hermaniuk and congregation during early Pilgrimage in Cook's Creek, Manitoba
Ukrainian Catholic church in Dauphin, Manitoba, under construction
Promotional photo postcard of Ukrainian Catholic church in Cook's Creek, Manitoba
Early stage in construction of the Calvary/Grotto in Cook's Creek, Manitoba
Early stage in construction of the Calvary/Grotto in Cook's Creek, Manitoba
Collage of construction of Ukrainian Catholic church in Cook's Creek, Manitoba
Installation of statue in Lourdes grotto, Cook's Creek, Manitoba