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New bridge at St. Norbert
Old Wooden Bridge at St. Norbert
Photograph - Sketch of Churchill River bridge
Research notes regarding the Charleswood Bridge
Photograph of cogwheels underneath the former Provencher bridge
Typed draft of article on St. Andrew's Camere curtain dam at Lockport
Research notes on early navigation of Red River from "Winnipeg: A Social History of Urban Growth" by Alan Artibise
Photograph - Bridge on Assiniboine River
Photograph - Bridge at Clearwater
Photograph - Churchill River bridge
Lionel LeMoine FitzGerald Painting - Assiniboine River Bridge
Photograph of upper portion of a bridge
Photograph of rail bridge
Article in Construction Manitoba regarding the Charleswood Bridge Project , p. 1
Article in Heavy Construction News about the design and construction of the Charleswood Bridge in Winnipeg, p. 1
Draft article about the design and construction of the Charleswood Bridge, p.1
Greater Winnipeg Water District railway Bridge
Photograph of railroad underpass near the Forks site
Photograph of Headingley bridge
Photograph of Main-Norwood bridge spanning the Red River
Photograph of the Elm Park bridge
Photograph showing roadway supports during Main-Norwood bridge deconstruction
Photograph of trucks parked on the bank beside Provencher bridge
Photograph showing the eastern half of Provencher bridge
Photograph - Bridge spanning Lake Manitoba Narrows
Photograph - Bridge over Saskatchewan River at Grand Rapids
Photograph - Suspension bridge at Souris
Photograph - People on Souris suspension bridge
Photograph - The Pas bridge
Photograph - Mary Hamilton and Walter Weir on Roxy Hamilton bridge
Photograph - Grand Rapids bridge
Photograph - Bridge and causeway spanning Lake Manitoba Narrows
Photograph - "Roxy Hamilton" bridge
Photograph - Two bridges
Photograph - Bridge at Clearwater
Photograph of Provencher bridge, taken looking northward
Photograph of Provencher bridge, taken looking north-eastward
Photograph of Elm Park bridge spanning the Red River
Photograph of Provencher bridge, taken from frozen Red River
Photograph of Provencher bridge from on the Red River
Notes from interviews with Gord Smith and Doug Stewart re: Provencher Bridge repairs
Notes from interviews with John Johnstone, Joseph Chan, and Dale Dreger re: Provencher Bridge repair project
Notes from interview with Richard Sawchuk, Gary Webster, Reid Crowther, and Bill Ebenspanger re: progress of Main/Norwood bridge construction
Notes from interview with Gord Smith re: plans for Main/Norwood bridge construction
Notes from interviews with Christine Hales-Pavagadhi and Bill Ebenspanger re: girders for Main/Norwood bridge construction
Notes from interview with Ruth Marr re: impact of Main and Norwood bridges on the environment and surrounding areas
Photographs showing the undersides of the old and new Norwood bridges
Photograph of cracking pier of Provencher bridge