Search results
(1 - 48 of 295)
- Correspondence between George Swinton and the director of the Institut Danois des Échanges at the Danish National Museum
- Dedication Page of a Booklet to Metropolitan Andrew Sheptyckyi in the Holy Trinity Ukrainian Catholic Church in Stuartburn (542-01-85)
- Daily Prayers and Catacism Book Title Page in the Holy Eucharist Ukrainian Catholic Church in Rosa (449-01-90)
- Donor Signature on First page of Prayer Book in the St. Nicholas Ukrainian Catholic Church in Keld (115-01-83)
- Readings on the Theme of Mary Book Title Page in the Holy Eucharist Ukrainian Catholic Church in Rosa (449-01-97)
- Dedication Page of the Book of Psalms (Psaltyr) in the Holy Trinity Ukrainian Catholic Church in Stuartburn (542-01-103)
- Readings on the Theme of Mary Book Pages in the Holy Eucharist Ukrainian Catholic Church in Rosa (449-01-98)
- Booklet Dedication to the Stavropagia Monastery in Lviv in the Holy Trinity Ukrainian Catholic Church in Stuartburn (542-01-86)
- Title Page of the Izbornyk Liturgical Book in the Holy Trinity Ukrainian Catholic Church in Stuartburn (542-01-100)
- Title Page of a 1914 Prayer Book in the Lakedale Holy Ghost Ukrainian Catholic Church in Lakedale (10-03-30)
- Vespers and Matins Part Two Book Pages in the Holy Eucharist Ukrainian Catholic Church in Rosa (449-01-104)
- Second Page of the Resurrection Serice Book in the Holy Trinity Ukrainian Catholic Church in Stuartburn (542-01-96)
- Dedication Page of Chasoslov Liturgical Book in the Holy Trinity Ukrainian Catholic Church in Stuartburn (542-01-91)
- Memorials Services and Funeral of a Layperson Book Pages in the Holy Eucharist Ukrainian Catholic Church in Rosa (449-01-110)
- First Page of the Akafist Liturgical Book in the Holy Trinity Ukrainian Catholic Church in Stuartburn (542-01-98)
- Readings on the Theme of Mary Book in the Holy Eucharist Ukrainian Catholic Church in Rosa (449-01-96)
- Readings of the Apostles and the Gospel Book Pages in the Holy Eucharist Ukrainian Catholic Church in Rosa (449-01-115)