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Photograph - barn
Photograph - barn ventilation unit
Photograph - barn ventilation unit
Photograph - barn
Photograph - barn
Negative - dairy barn at University of Manitoba Fort Garry campus
Photograph - Swine Barn at the Manitoba Agricultural College
Negative - man in barn at Glenlea research station
Negative - dismantling dairy barn silo at University of Manitoba Fort Garry campus
Negative - dismantling dairy barn silo at University of Manitoba Fort Garry campus
Negative - dismantling dairy barn silo at University of Manitoba Fort Garry campus
Negative - cattle barn at Glenlea research station
Negative - cattle barn at Glenlea research station
Negative - people at biomass research unit at Glenlea
Photograph - Farming Machinery Being Used Beside a Barn
Photograph - Gambrel-Roof Barn at the University of Manitoba
Photograph - Gable-Roof Barn at the University of Manitoba
Photograph - Gabel-Roof Barn and Vehicles at the University of Manitoba
Photograph - Barn and Grazing Sheep at University of Manitoba
Photograph - Gambrel-Roof Barn and Vehicles at the University of Manitoba
Photograph - Joe Clark and Harry McKnight
Photograph - University of Manitoba Campus During 1950 Flood