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"Architectural practice"
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(1 - 45 of 45)
Notes from interview of Martin Bergen regarding his development projects and personal background
Architecture firm boardroom
Architecture firm boardroom
Architecture firm boardroom
Number Ten Architectural Group lobby
Photograph of Advanced House Rear Angle
Number TEN Architectural Group building
Number Ten Architectural Group lobby
Smith Carter Searle Office Building
Notes from an interview with Martin Bergen, President of Marlborough Development Corp Ltd.
Smith Carter Searle Office Building
Smith Carter Searle Office Building
Unidentified architects / engineers
Smith Carter Searle Office Building
Smith Carter Searle Office Building
Smith Carter Searle Office Building
Smith Carter Searle Office Building
Smith Carter Searle Office Building
Smith Carter Searle Office Building
Smith Carter Searle Office Building
Colour photograph of an interior dwelling in the J.H. Ashdown Hardware Company Limited building in Winnipeg's Exchange District
Article dealing with the specific renovations undertaken to the Pavilion at Assiniboine Park , p. 1
Article in the Winnipeg Real Estate News concerning the Assiniboine Park Pavilion renovation and redevelopment project
Draft of article: Martin Bergen recipient of a national energy efficiency award
Term paper on 'Louis Sullivan and the Art Nouveau', title page.
Newsclipping - "A case when more means less"
Photograph of Artistic Columns
Photograph of Concrete Columns
Notes from interview with Ralph Schilling re: architecture of Toronto Dominion building
Newsclipping - "City Lights: Sorry state of our suburbia"
Newsclipping - "A dynamic exterior, but quite conventional within"
Newsclipping - "'An ill-proportioned box with one crowded corner'"
Newsclipping - "Landscaping: An extension of architecture"
Newsclipping - "Behind the news: A prediction about Winnipeg"
Newsclipping - "Changing Face of Winnipeg: A new tradition on our skylines?"
Newsclipping - "Flaw report sought"
Newsclipping - "Behind the news: Old buildings can be beautiful"
Newsclipping - "Fine example of architecture"
Newsclipping - "A stimulating, imaginative space for public to gather"
Newsclipping - "City hall: Prudence in Tyndall stone porridge"
Newsclipping - "U architecture - 'failure in leadership'"
Newsclipping - "Admirable example of public building"
Newsclipping - "A visiting architect looks at Winnipeg"
Newsclipping - "Architectural Expression of Faith: 'Poverty stricken interpretations rife'"
Newsclipping - "A most unusual album: Pages From the Past"