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Group XIII, #47e - Sir Oliver Lodge Portrait
Group XVIII, #69b - Portrait of Elizabeth Poole
Group IX, #32i - Portrait of Katie King
Miscellaneous #6 - Picture Including Katie King
Group XVII, #66c - Thomas Glendenning Hamilton Teleplasm (Enlargement)
Group XI, #39b - Portrait of Walter Stinson
Group XVIII, #69c - Portrait of Sir Edward Reed
Group IV - "Records IV"
Group III - "Records III"
Group II - "Records II"
Group XV - "Minor Materializations Appear"
Group I - "Records I."
Group XII - "XII - Diversified Phenomena"
Group IX - "Records IX - Katie King"
Group IXa - "Records VI - The Shining Garment"
Group VII - "Records VII - Experiments Leading to the Appearance of the LUCY Mass of March 10, 1930"
Group XIV - "Third Katie King"
Group XI - "XI - The SECOND LUCY Series"
Group XIII - "XIII - Second Doyle Series"
Group XII - "More Supernormally Manipulated Masses Appear"
Group XIIIa - "Period of Various Phenomena"
Group VIII - "Records VIII - The John King and Katie King Phenomena"
Group X - "Records VII - Manipulated Teleplasms"
Group VI - "Records VI - Teleplasmic Miniature Faces"
Group V - "Records V - Utilitarian Masses"
Group XVIa - Title Page: "The T. Glen Hamilton Experiments Draw to a Close"
Group VII - Quote from Mr. Stanley deBrath
Group I - "The Mediumship of Mary Marshall"
Group XII - "Report of Victor's Vision January 17, 1932"
Group VI, #25f - Vignette of Raymond Lodge
Group XII - "The First Doyle Face"
Group XII - "Memory of Trance Vision Jan. 20, 1932"
Group I - Seance Notes
Group XVI - Letter from Ada Turner
Notes: "Experiment I"
Group VIII - Seance Notes: Sitting in Boston
Group X - "Trance Vision, of May 26, 1931"
Group I - "Third Teleplasmic Structure"
Group XII - Seance Notes: "The Walter Eyes in Teleplasm. TGH in Eastern States."
Group I - "An Evening of Fun with the Bell-Box"
Group I - "Walter's Preparations Completed"
Group I - Seance Notes
Group I - Seance Notes
Group XIV - Title page, "March - April 23, 1933"
Group XIIIa - "Victor's Report on the Coming Katie King Materialization Phenomena Based He Claims On What He has Seen Clairvoyantly at the Sittings"
Group XII - "Adendum of Sitting of Feb. 28/32, Dictated Feb. 29/32"
Group XIV - Photograph: "Shell" materialization