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"Agricultural experiment stations"
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(1 - 48 of 83)
Negative - grain field at Glenlea research station
Negative - fountain at Glenlea research station
Photograph - experimental plots at Manitoba Agricultural College
Photograph - experimental plots at Manitoba Agricultural College
Negative - tubs of water at Glenlea research station
Negative - cows at Glenlea research station
Negative - cows at Glenlea research station
Negative - cows at Glenlea research station
Negative - cows at Glenlea research station
Negative - man getting out of van at Glenlea research station
Negative - crops in standing water at Glenlea research station
Negative - man in barn at Glenlea research station
Photograph - aerial view of Glenlea research station
Photograph - forage crop breeding plots at Manitoba Agricultural College
Negative - tubs and hoses at Glenlea research station
Negative - interior of building at Glenlea research station
Negative - building at Glenlea research station
Negative - building at Glenlea research station
Negative - cow milking at Glenlea research station
Negative - building at Glenlea research station
Negative - building at Glenlea research station
Negative - cattle barn at Glenlea research station
Negative - people at biomass research unit at Glenlea
Negative - grain storage at Glenlea
Photograph - man with cap, beard, pipe, and stook of field corn
Photograph - men planting field on University of Manitoba campus
Photograph - women harvesting rice in Thailand
Photograph - demonstration plots on the Manitoba Agricultural College farm
Photograph - Manitoba Agricultural College Tuxedo farm
Photograph - men planting field on University of Manitoba campus
Negative - tractors at Glenlea research station
Negative - laboratory at Glenlea research station
Negative - laboratory at Glenlea research station
Negative - tractor and harvester at Glenlea research station
Negative - cattle barn at Glenlea research station
Negative - cattle barn at Glenlea research station
Negative - men in field
Negative - University of Manitoba Fort Garry campus
Photograph - plowing research plots at the Manitoba Agricultural College Fort Garry campus
Photograph - alfalfa plants and buildings at Manitoba Agricultural College Fort Garry campus
Photograph - members of a course for rural teachers working a plot at the Manitoba Agricultural College Tuxedo campus
Photograph - alfalfa plants and buildings at Manitoba Agricultural College Fort Garry campus
Photograph - plowing research plots at the Manitoba Agricultural College Fort Garry campus
Negative - man repairing vehicle at Glenlea research station
Photograph - members of a course for rural teachers working a plot at the Manitoba Agricultural College Tuxedo campus
Negative - harvesting grain at Glenlea research station
Negative - man repairing vehicle at Glenlea research station
Negative - mechanic working at Glenlea research station
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