
Photograph - Yearbook Page showing John Shanski as Bison Hockey Goalie
A photograph of a section of a page (not numbered) from the 1962 University of Manitoba yearbook, showing John Shanski as Bison hockey goalie. Caption reads: //////////////"Goalie, John Shanski, who put out an excellent showing in the Bison nets.//////////////", Luna Collection ID - 107::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 428436, Luna Image ID - 158478
Photograph - Yearbook Page showing Karen Lewis and Hugh H. Saunderson
A photograph of a section of page 44 of the 1964 University of Manitoba yearbook, showing Karen Lewis of Commerce and university president Hugh Saunderson. Caption reads: //////////////////"President Saunderson crowning Karen Lewis of Commerce, queen of Winter Carnival.//////////////////", Luna Collection ID - 107::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 428570, Luna Image ID - 158485
Photograph - Yearbook Page showing Ralph F. Harris
A photograph of a section of page 159 of the 1966 University of Manitoba yearbook, showing Ralph F. Harris, Director of the School of Commerce. Caption reads: //////////////////"Ralph F. Harris, B.Comm., M.A., Director.//////////////////" Attached note reads: //////////////////"16. pg 10.//////////////////", Luna Collection ID - 107::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 429218, Luna Image ID - 158418
Photograph - Yearbook Page showing Student Members of Commerce Faculty Council
A photograph of a section of page 32 of the 1959 University of Manitoba yearbook, showing the student members of the Commerce faculty council. People in image are: John Lewicki, John Norget, Jim Christie, Carl Nygren, John Lewington, Ron Suderman, Russ Baranowski, Linda Ashley, Ron Saltel, Lloyd Podworny, Ruth Bate, Cliff Arnott, Don Thompson, Irene Pran, Charles (Bud) Hample. A caption listing the seating arrangement and names of the senior and lady sticks is included., Luna Collection ID - 107::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 427381, Luna Image ID - 158465
Photograph - Yearbook Page showing the Commerce Executive
A photograph of a section of page 102 of the 1941 University of Manitoba Brown & Gold yearbook. Image shows the students on the Commerce Executive: Doug Annett, Bob Keyes, Bill Sidall, Wilf Corner, Bob Henderson, Odille Totton, James Dykes, Ross White., Luna Collection ID - 107::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 422682, Luna Image ID - 158504
Photograph - Yearbook Pages showing Commerce Graduates
A photograph of facing pages of the 1942 University of Manitoba yearbook. Image shows twenty-two Commerce graduates: Frances Cochlan, William R. Burns, Gordon Donaldson, Wilfred R. Corner, Russell E. Harrison, Ian R. Drysdale, Dave Jones, Tom Henderson, Robert W. Keyes, James F. Kay, Frank Ostaff, John E. Lettner, Peter Edward Reeve, Allan W. Scarth, G. William Siddall, David Slater, David E. Sloan, Arni R. Swanson, Vic Temple, Norman R. H. Thomson, Clarence Van Tighem, Herb Williams. Captions describing each student are included., Luna Collection ID - 107::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 422852, Luna Image ID - 158521
Photograph - Young Man Placing Mace on Cushion
A photograph of an unidentified young man placing a symbolic mace onto a cushion on the clerk's table in the house of the Manitoba Legislative Assembly during a student model parliament. Other young men are visible seated at desks behind him. Photograph identified as likely having been taken circa 1960., Luna Collection ID - 107::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 551421, Luna Image ID - 158341
Photograph - Young Men at Model Parliament in Manitoba Legislative Assembly House
A photograph of eight or nine young men in the house of the Manitoba Legislative Assembly during a student model parliament. One young man in the front row is shown standing and speaking. One of the young men may be named Dick [Richard] Parr. Photograph identified as likely having been taken circa 1960., Luna Collection ID - 107::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 551442, Luna Image ID - 158349
Photograph- University of Manitoba Fort Garry Campus
A page of three copied photographs of the University of Manitoba///////'s Fort Garry Campus. Images include views of the Tach? Hall student residence, central administration building, power plant, and classroom buildings. One image also features a passenger streetcar on campus. Photographs are not dated., Luna Collection ID - 107::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 345719, Luna Image ID - 158141
Slide - Alan N. Campbell at Broadway Campus of University of Manitoba
A slide of Alan Campbell, shown outdoors in academic costume at the Broadway Campus of the University of Manitoba. Photograph also shows three unidentified men and several cars. Image is not dated, printed on a Kodachrome slide., Luna Collection ID - 107::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 417298, Luna Image ID - 158962
Slide - Albert H. S. Gillson, Olive Gillson, and Phyl Watt at University of Manitoba Broadway Campus
A slide of Albert Henry Stewart Gillson (University of Manitoba President), Mrs. Gillson (whose name appears to be Olive), and Phyllis Stinson (nee Watt) (Home Economics Freshie Queen) shown outdoors around a convertable car at the University of Manitoba Broadway Campus. Photograph also shows several unidentified people. Sign on car reads, //////////////"Home Ec Freshie Queen.//////////////" Sign on building reads: //////////////"Private parking for staff and people having buisness with University only.//////////////" Image is not dated, printed on a Kodachrome slide., Luna Collection ID - 107::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 420945, Luna Image ID - 158961
Slide - Albert William Trueman and Andrew Knox Dysart
A slide of President Albert William Trueman, Chancellor Andrew Knox Dysart, and Justice Esten Kenneth Williams, shown outdoors at the University of Manitoba//////'s Broadway Campus. Sign on building reads: //////"Memorial -200- Boulevard.//////" Photograph also shows several unidentified people. Image is not dated, printed on a Kodachrome slide., Luna Collection ID - 107::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 419105, Luna Image ID - 158950
Slide - Albert William Trueman and Clark Reid Hopper
A slide of Albert William Trueman (University of Manitoba President) and Clark Reid Hopper (University of Manitoba English Professor), shown outdoors at the University of Manitoba. Photograph also shows several unidentified people. Image is not dated, printed on a Kodachrome slide., Luna Collection ID - 107::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 420602, Luna Image ID - 159032
Slide - Albert William Trueman and Graham Lawson Shanks
A slide of Albert William Trueman (University of Manitoba President) and Graham Lawson Shanks (head of Agricultural Engineering), shown outdoors at the University of Manitoba. Photograph also shows several unidentified people in the background. Image is not dated, printed on a Kodachrome slide., Luna Collection ID - 107::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 419036, Luna Image ID - 158953
Slide - Charles Lowe near Science Building on Broadway Campus of the University of Manitoba
A slide of Charles W. Lowe, shown outdoors in academic costume at the Broadway Campus of the University of Manitoba. Science building is visible on the left side of the image. Photograph also shows several unidentified people and six automobiles. Image is not dated, printed on a Kodachrome slide., Luna Collection ID - 107::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 417425, Luna Image ID - 158951
Slide - Edwin P. Fetherstonhaugh, William H. McEwen, D. S. Woods, and William J. Waines at University of Manitoba Broadway Campus
A slide of Edwin P. Fetherstonhaugh, William H. McEwen, D. S. Woods, and William J. Waines shown outdoors in academic costume at the University of Manitoba Broadway Campus. Photograph also shows two unidentified people and two cars. Image is not dated, printed on a Kodachrome slide., Luna Collection ID - 107::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 420739, Luna Image ID - 159028
Slide - Helen Magnuson and Other Science Students in a University of Manitoba Freshie Parade
A slide of Helen Magnuson and other University of Manitoba science students in a freshie parade. Photograph shows a group of unidentified people, those in the foreground wearing matching beanie hats. Girls in the foreground appear to be wearing matching sweaters and skirts, and some of the sweaters are marked with a large ////"S////". Image is not dated, printed on a Kodachrome slide., Luna Collection ID - 107::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 421029, Luna Image ID - 158956
Slide - Science Students in a University of Manitoba Freshie Parade
A slide of University of Manitoba science students in a freshie parade. Photograph shows a crowd of unidentified people, most of them wearing matching hats and some carrying signs. Some also appear to be riding bicycles. Two cars are visible, and the front one (a convertible) is marked with a sign that reads, //////////////"? - Science.//////////////" Three houses are visible in the background. Image is not dated, printed on a Kodachrome slide., Luna Collection ID - 107::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 421005, Luna Image ID - 159031
Transparency - Architecture Buildings at University of Manitoba
A transparency of the University of Manitoba Campus, showing a view from University Centre looking towards the Russell and Architecture II buildings. Image is not dated., Luna Collection ID - 107::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 348374, Luna Image ID - 158364
Transparency - Education Building at the University of Manitoba
A transparency of the University of Manitoba Campus, showing a view from University Centre looking towards the Education Building. Image is not dated., Luna Collection ID - 107::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 348384, Luna Image ID - 158425
Transparency - Mary Speechly Hall and Pembina Hall
A transparency showing the Mary Speechly Hall student residence and the Pembina Hall cafeteria, showing the east side of Speechly Hall and the south side of Pembina Hall. Image is not dated., Luna Collection ID - 107::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 348151, Luna Image ID - 158389
