- Medical students
- A photograph of a group of ten medical students, including O. E. Rothwell, H. M. Cameron, C. D. Dudderidge, and F. C. Saunderson.
- Medical students
- A photograph of a group of medical students and early professors of the University of Manitoba. According to the back of the photograph they are: Back row, left to right: Charles Baragar, class of 1914; R. E. Atkinson; William Mann, class of 1914; Baldur Olson, class of 1915 Middle row, left to right: M. H. Teskey; Edwin Warner, class of 1914; W. C. Murray; James Adamson, class of 1914 Front row, left to right: Swale Vincent; Frank Allen; A. H. Reginald Buller; Matthew Parker; N. B. MacLean
- Medical students in pathology lecture
- A photograph of medical students attending a lecture on pathology.
- Medical students taking Hippocratic Oath
- A photograph of University of Manitoba medical students taking the Hippocratic Oath in 1975. Among those pictured are Milton Tenenbein, R. T. Ross, and R. M. Cherniack.
- Medical students with cadaver, 1899
- A photograph of first-year students at the Manitoba Medical College in 1899. This black-and-white photograph depicts the students in a dissection room, examining a cadaver. Among those pictured are W. A. Bigelow, Maxwell Wallace, and William Turnbull.
- Medical students with mummified body, 1906
- A photograph of students at the Manitoba Medical College in 1906. This black-and-white photograph depicts the students posed in a dissection room; some are holding individual bones, while others hold up a mummified body. According to the back of the photograph, Charles Clare is pictured in the front row, second from the left.
- Medical students with mummified body, 1906
- A photograph of students at the Manitoba Medical College in 1906. This black-and-white photograph depicts the students posed in a dissection room; some are holding individual bones, while others hold up a mummified body. According to the back of the photograph, Charles Clare is pictured in the front row, second from the left.
- Medical students with skeleton and cadaver, circa 1907
- A photograph of students at the Manitoba Medical College circa 1907. This black-and-white photograph depicts the students posed in a dissection room; one is holding a skeleton, several are holding individual bones, and several students are holding up a cadaver that appears to have had an autopsy performed on it. It also appears to be missing the top of its head.
- Medical students with skeleton and cadaver, circa 1907
- A photograph of students at the Manitoba Medical College circa 1907. This black-and-white photograph depicts the students posed in a dissection room; some are holding individual bones, while a cadaver that appears to have had an autopsy performed on it is propped up at the front of the group. The cadaver also appears to be missing the top of its head. Another body, its legs heavily wrapped in bandages, appears on the right of the photograph.
- Medical students, 1903
- A photograph of students at the Manitoba Medical College in 1903. This black-and-white photograph depicts the students posed with a skeleton; a student is holding part of another skeleton as if it were a guitar. Pictured, according to the back of the photograph, are W. Turnbull, J. Work, Cook, I. H. Davidson, J. Greig, L. [illegible], S. Monteith, 'Dad' Fraser, Billy Block, Billy Bigelow, W. Riddell, J. McKee, W. Lang, Brodie Anderson, Slater, Rogers, P. Miller, Norman Ross, Perrin, N. Harvey, J. Hamilton, J. B. [illegible; likely Howden or Bowden], and Stalker.
- Medical students, circa 1912
- A photograph of Manitoba Medical College students. This black-and-white photograph, taken circa 1912, depicts the students posed in a classroom.
- Mummy's hand
- A photograph of the hand of an Egyptian mummy, on display in the Faculty of Medicine's museum.
- N. S. Dhalla, K. S. Dhillon, Robert Beamish
- A photograph of University of Manitoba medical students N. S. Dhalla and K. S. Dhillon being instructed by R. E. Beamish as part of the 1979 cardiology unit.
- Practical Pathology examination
- A photograph of students leaving a laboratory after an examination in practical pathology.
- Students in bacteriology lab, 1922
- A photograph of students in a bacteriology laboratory in 1922. Among those pictured are S. Rodin, Frederick Cadham, and Graham Wilson.
- Students in pathology lab
- A photograph of eight male and female students working with microscopes in a pathology lab. According to the back of the photograph, the students are, from left to right, Sara Meltzer, C. Cameron, E. O. Teale, L. R. Nasm, William Boyd, M. H. Ferguson, M. Lewis, and S. Thorson.
- Surgery at Chelsea Hospital for Women
- A photograph of surgery being performed at the Chelsea Hospital for Women in London, England. Among those pictured are Henry Seroze, a nurse identified only as Sister Cox, Charles Bell, and J. McFarlane.
- Thomas Fyles and Daniel Snidal
- A photograph of University of Manitoba Faculty of Medicine alumni Thomas William Fyles and Daniel P. Snidal. This black-and-white photograph depicts them examining a bound document, and appeared on the cover of the Manitoba Medical Review v.49, no. 8, November-December 1969.
- Vid Persaud, N. S. Dhalla, Henry Friesen
- A photograph of University of Manitoba medical professors T. V. N. (Vid) Persaud, N. S. Dhalla, and Henry Friesen. This black-and-white photograph depicts the three men speaking at a social event.
- not empty
- Collection by M. Melville of photographs of Dept. of Pathology staff