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"Brillants résultats de 12 années de colonisation française à N.O. Canadien", rapport de 1900 de Jean Gaire, extrait, L47307-L47311
"Lettre du Front" par Eugène Kern, dans La Liberté, 2 mars 1915
"We Are All Doing Fine" from Manitoba Free Press, 31 May 1917
Adam Wilson Graham diary entry dated 12 September 1869
Bert Goose diary entry dated 19 and 20 April 1915
Carte postale du 20 octobre 1917 du Lieutenant M. Auvert à Lucien Kern
Carte postale envoyée par Arthur Ducharme à son amie Berthe pendant la Première Guerre mondiale
Circulaire confidentiel de Monseigneur Arthur Béliveau aux conseils scolaires des districts bilingues du Manitoba, 20 août 1916
Field Service Post Card of 6 June 1917 from Herbert Francis to Sarah Margaret Francis
Letter 2 April 1918 from Alan Arnett McLeod to his parents
Letter 4 May 1917 from Wilfrid R. Snow to Alan Arnett McLeod
Letter and questionnaire of 10 June 1914 from Legislative Committee of Orange Lodge to F. J. Dixon with Dixon's answers to the questionnaire
Letter dated 9 January 1870 from George Duncan MacVicar to Alex Polson
Letter of 1 January 1918 from Herbert Winfield Ross Francis to Sarah Margaret Francis
Letter of 10 October 1938 from William James Sisler to Algernon Coleman
Letter of 11 August 1916 from Herbert Winfield Ross Francis to Sarah Margaret Francis and Etta
Letter of 12 January 1919 from John F. Maguire to R. B. Russell
Letter of 13 May 1919 from principal of Strathcona School to William James Sisler
Letter of 16 February 1870 from John A. Macdonald to Alexandre Antonin Taché
Letter of 16 February 1901 from William C. Van Horne to George Bryce
Letter of 16 October 1917 from Jack Winter Quelch to his father
Letter of 16 September 1898 from Archbishop Louis Philippe Adélard Langevin to Father Albert Lacombe, copy in letter-book
Letter of 16 September 1917 from Herbert Winfiled Ross Francis to Sarah Margaret Francis and Etta
Letter of 17 May 1870 from Alexandre Antonin Taché to Joseph Howe
Letter of 17 May 1898 from W. S. Francis to Charles Hubert Francis
Letter of 18 May 1917 from Alexander Logan Waugh to his father
Letter of 18 November 1911 from Mrs. Rose to Jessie Ambrose
Letter of 19 April 1918 from William James Sisler to Mr. Jackson
Letter of 19 December 1915 from Alexander Logan Waugh to his mother
Letter of 22 December 1917
Letter of 22 October 1915 from Arthur P. Walker to William J. Sisler
Letter of 23 January 1872 from Alexandre Antonin Taché to John A. Macdonald
Letter of 24 February 1917 from George Battershill to Mrs. J. W. Battershill
Letter of 25 February 1909 from Wilfrid Lauirer to Rev. George Bryce
Letter of 27 December 1916 from George Battershill to Mrs. J. W. Battershill
Letter of 28 January 1921 from F. J. Dixon to A. Meighen and Hugh Guthrie
Letter of 28 July 1918 from Charles Ross Francis to Sarah Margaret Francis
Letter of 28 July 1918 from Charles Ross Francis to Sarah Margaret Francis, excerpt
Letter of 28 May 1919 from T. Murray to R. A. Rigg
Letter of 28 November 1917 from Alexander Logan Waugh to his father
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