
Legacies of Lansdowne: A Sequal
The Rural Municipality of Glenella amalgamated with the Rural Municipality of Lansdowne to become the Rural Municipality of Glenella-Lansdowne.
Lidcliff Reflections 1881-1982
The Rural Municipality of Shellmouth-Boulton amalgamated with the Rural Municipality of Silver Creek to become the Rural Municipality of Riding Mountain West.
Lutheran Pioneer Memorial
The Rural Municipality of Franklin amalgamated with the Town of Emerson to become the Rural Municipality of Emerson-Franklin.
Manitoba Marriages
A list of Manitoba marriages including Aubigny (1904-1981), Broquerie (1884-1982), Ile-des-Chênes (1907-1982), La Salle (1893-1982), Letellier (1878-1982), Marchand (1950-1982), Morris (1906-1982), Richer (1904-1981), Ross (1958-1976), Ste-Agathe (1872-1981), Ste-Anne-des-Chênes (1871-1976), Ste-Elizabeth (1901-1981), St-Eustache (1874-1976), St-Francois-Xavier (1834-1976), Ste-Geneviève (1956-1981), St-Jean-Baptiste (1877-1982), St-Malo (1892-1976), St-Norbert (1858-1975), St-Pierre-Jolys (1879-1976), Ste-Rose-du-Lac (1892-1912), Transcona (1912-1982), Woodridge (1905-1982).
Manitoba The Best Country in the World for Immigrants
The Rural Municipality of Russell amalgamated with the Town of Russell and the Village of Binscarth to become the Rural Municipality of Russell-Binscarth.
Melgund United Church Manitoba 1892-1967
The Rural Municipality of Cameron amalgamated with the Rural Municipality of Whitewater and the Town of Hartney to become the Rural Municipality of Grassland.
Memories Along the Badger Revisited
The Rural Municipality of Roblin amalgamated with the Village of Cartwright to become the Rural Municipality of Cartwright-Roblin.
