- A. J. H. Williams
- A photograph of Colonel Arthur Williams, leader of the Canadian charge at Batoche. This black-and-white photograph is dated 1884.
- Article on Phoebe Howard, nurse during the North-West Rebellion
- A photocopy of an article, from the 13 April 1935 edition of the Winnipeg Tribune, about Phoebe Howard (née Parsons), who worked as a nurse in a field hospital during the North-West Rebellion.
- Envelope containing photographic copies of death certificates
- Photographic negative copies of the death certificates of W. H. Kippen, W. Fitch, Alex Watson, and Louis Riel, contained in an envelope. The men died in May 1885 of wounds sustained during the Battle of Batoche or, in Riel's case, by hanging on 16 November 1885. The envelope was mailed from Taylors Limited, a photographic supply company at 260 Edmonton Street in Winnipeg, to a Mr. Howard, residing at 870 Palmerston Street, also in Winnipeg. The envelope appears to be postmarked 15 April 1936; the reprints of Riel's death certificate are also stamped with this date.
- Gabriel Dumont
- A photograph, dated 1885, of Gabriel Dumont, Métis leader during the North-West Rebellion. Dumont was also a member of the provisional Métis government declared in the District of Saskatchewan in 1885. This print of the photograph was made in Langdon, North Dakota. Written in black ink on the back of the photograph is "Gabriel Dumont, the famous halfbreed plainsman, who was the leader of Riel's armed forces in the second rebellion. He was a powerful man physically and gave ample evidence of skill and courage. He was in command at Duck Lake, Fish Creek, and Batoche. This a rare photograph, taken in Dakota after the rebellion. [To go with article on Strange's Column, 1885 R. G. MacBeth]".
- Gilbert Elliot-Murray-Kynynmound, Lord Melgund, Earl of Minto
- A photograph of Gilbert Elliot-Murray-Kynynmound, Lord Melgund, later 4th Earl of Minto, Governor General of Canada from 1898-1904. Minto served as chief of staff to General Frederick Middleton during the Northwest Rebellion of 1885. This black-and-white photograph, taken in 1885, depicts Minto in his 1885 field uniform. The front of the photo reads "Maull & Fox 187A Piccadilly, London" and "Melgund 1885". The back has "Lord Melgund (later Earl Minto) in his 1885 field uniform Chief of Staff with Middleton" written on it in pencil.
- Isapo-Muxika / Crowfoot
- A black-and-white photograph of Isapo-Muxika or Crowfoot, chief of the Siksika First Nation.
- Letter from CPR to T. E. Howard
- A letter sent from the Canadian Pacific Railway Company to T. E. Howard of Winnipeg, dated 25 June 1935. The letter discusses the telegram found at http://syn.lib.umanitoba.ca/fedora/repository/uofm%3A9261. An envelope that contained the letter is also included.
- Letter from Louis Riel to Judge Hugh Richardson
- A photographic copy of a letter, written by Louis Riel to Judge Hugh Richardson, thanking him for granting him a twenty-nine-day stay of execution, pending an appeal. The letter is dated 17 September 1885, and is signed "Louis 'David' Riel". The writing on the back of the photograph reads "Letter from Riel when the judge postponed his execution for 29 days pending appeal".
- Louis Riel and his council, 1869-1870
- A photograph of Louis Riel and the councillors of the Provisional Government of the Métis Nation. The members of the Provisional Government are identified on the photo. Back row, left to right: Charles Laroque (identified as "Le Roc"), Pierre Delorme, Thomas Bunn, Xavier Page, Andre Beauchemin, Baptiste Tereaux. Middle row, left to right: Pierre Poitras, John Bruce, Louis Riel, W. B. O'Donoghue, Francois Dauphinais, Thomas Spence. Front row, left to right: Bob O'Lone, Paul Prue.
- Mistahi-maskwa / Big Bear
- A photograph of Mistahi-maskwa or Big Bear, a Cree leader who was involved in the North-West Rebellion. Men under his command were involved in the Frog Lake Massacre, which gave Canadian authorities justification for attacking the Cree (and not just the Métis) at the Battle of Batoche. This black-and-white photograph, taken by Hall & Lowe and dated 1885, depicts Mistahi-maskwa with short hair, wearing western clothing. The back reads "Presented to Col. T. H. Tracy, 744 Bote St. by Mrs. G. E." and "Big Bear 1885".
- N. P. Barracks, Regina
- A photograph of the N. P. Barracks and guard room at Regina, North West Territories. This black-and-white photograph depicts a group of men standing in front of the main building; a cannon on two wheels is in the foreground. "Buell Photo" is printed on the front of the photograph; "N. P. Barracks, guard room & place of Reil's [sic] execution, Regina, N. W. T." is printed on a piece of paper attached to the back.
- Otokuyicokoan
- A photograph of an indigenous man, identified as being Otokuyicokoan, also known as Yellow Lodge, part of the Tsuu T'ina First Nation. "A197- Otokuyicokoan, Sarcee Indian" and "C. W. Mathers, Edmonton, N. W. T., Can." is printed at the bottom of the photograph.
- Pitikwahanapiwiyin / Poundmaker
- A black-and-white photograph of Pitikwahanapiwiyin or Poundmaker, chief of the Poundmaker Cree Nation and adopted son of Blackfoot chief Isapo-Muxika or Crowfoot. Pitikwahanapiwiyin fought in the Battle of Cut Knife during the North-West Rebellion before, upon hearing the news of the defeat at Batoche, turning himself in and being found guilty of treason.
- Regina courthouse during Riel trial
- A black-and-white photograph of the exterior of the courthouse in Regina, North-West Territories, during Louis Riel's trial for treason in 1885. A line of police or soldiers on horses are standing on the road in front of the courthouse, while others wait just outside the building.
- Riel's councillors imprisoned
- A black-and-white photograph of the councillors of Louis Riel's provisional government, seen as prisoners in 1885. Pairs of men are handcuffed together. The left-hand side of the photograph appears to have been too light in this print, so the prisoners and background have been sketched in., Moise Ouellette (counselor) is located on the far left of the picture, he was captured at the Battle of Batoche.
- Soldiers' graves
- An undated black-and-white photograph of a memorial erected in honour of Canadian and British soldiers killed at the Battle of Fish Creek or the Battle of Batoche.
- Telegraph re: oat sacks
- A telegram, sent from Bower, Blackburn, Mundle, and Porter of Brandon to Thibadeau Brothers and co. of Winnipeg. The telegram requests that 1000 oat sacks be shipped. The back of the telegram appears to have a list of prices for goods written on it in pencil. According to the related letter (http://syn.lib.umanitoba.ca/fedora/repository/uofm:9262), the telegram was found in a building that had been recently demolished on Bannatyne Avenue.
- Tȟatȟáŋka Íyotake / Sitting Bull
- A photograph of Tȟatȟáŋka Íyotake or Sitting Bull, Hunkpapa Lakota Sioux holy man and chief. This black-and-white carte-de-visite appears to have a black cross drawn over Tȟatȟáŋka Íyotake's heart, perhaps because it was given to someone four days after Tȟatȟáŋka Íyotake was shot to death in South Dakota.
- Unidentified family
- An undated photograph of an unidentified group of indigenous or Métis people, possibly a family; four adults or older children are standing, and each is holding a small child. The people in the photograph are standing in front of two tents, pitched close together in a clearing.
- Unveiling of volunteer monument
- A photograph of the crowd attending the unveiling of a volunteer monument in Winnipeg on 28 September, 1886.