- Group I - An Address
- A textual document of an address written by the spirit, Walter, through the medium, Mary Marshall, "10 Lyon Street, Boston, N Y, WSS.", Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 282635, Luna Image ID - 153136
- Group I - Photograph description
- The typed notes of T. G. Hamilton describing the ectoplasmic apparition photographed in the seance of September 23, 1928. The description is written on two, T. Eaton Co. drug department prescription slips taped together., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 283324, Luna Image ID - 153165
- Group I - Photograph from seance of September 23, 1928
- A wide angle photograph taken during the seance of September 23, 1928. Included is a textual annotation listing the sitters., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 283185, Luna Image ID - 153154
- Group I - Photograph: "Second Ectoplasmic Structure"
- A photograph of the ectoplasmic apparition which occurred during the seance of August 15, 1928, on the face of Mary Marshall. Includes a handwritten description of the photograph., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 282816, Luna Image ID - 153142
- Group I - Photograph: "Teleplasmic Mass, Cords connecting MM's head to Bell Box"
- A photograph from the August 26, 1928 seance taped to a piece of paper. Includes date and title., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 283689, Luna Image ID - 153177
- Group I - Photographs: Twisted Teleplasm
- Two photographs taken at the August 5, 1928, seance taped to a piece of paper with annotation: "Under magnification fine cord seen from M.M.'s left cheek & eye, up to bell-box above her head. Signal for firing flash given by bell, which continued to ring after exposure made. Functional teleplasm fully demonstrated.", Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 284091, Luna Image ID - 153181
- Group I - Photographs: Large Ectoplasm on Mary Marshall's Face
- Photographs of a large ectoplasmic apparition covering the left side of Mary Marshall's face, taped to a sheet of paper., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 284120, Luna Image ID - 153183
- Group I - Seance Notes
- A textual document containing notes taken during three seances spanning from June 28, 1928 to August 5, 1928. Includes a report of a photographed teleplasm., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 282610, Luna Image ID - 153135
- Group I - Seance Notes
- A textual document containing notes taken during four seances spanning from June 13, 1928 to June 28, 1928., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 282555, Luna Image ID - 153133
- Group I - Seance Notes
- A textual document containing notes taken during three seances spanning from June 4, 1928 to June 13, 1928. Further handwritten notes are in the margins, including one signed M. H. B. (Margaret Hamiton Bach)., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 282527, Luna Image ID - 153132
- Group I - Seance Notes
- A textual document containing notes taken during three seances spanning from June 28, 1928 to August 5, 1928. Includes a report of a photographed teleplasm. A handwritten note is written in the margin., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 282657, Luna Image ID - 153138
- Group I - Seance Notes
- The handwritten notes for the seance of September 23, 1928. The spirit, Walter, creates an ectoplasmic apparition through the medium, Mary Marshall, for T. G. Hamilton to photograph., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 283232, Luna Image ID - 153156
- Group I - Seance Notes
- A typed document of notes taken for a seance conducted on August 5, 1928, dealing with an ectoplasmic apparition on Mary Marshall's face. A photograph of the ectoplasm is included., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 282679, Luna Image ID - 153139
- Group I - Seance Notes
- A textual document containing notes taken during three seances spanning from June 4, 1928 to June 13, 1928., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 282507, Luna Image ID - 153131
- Group I - Seance Notes
- A textual document containing notes taken during four seances spanning from June 13, 1928 to June 28, 1928. Document includes handwritten notes in the margins., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 282606, Luna Image ID - 153134
- Group I, #1 - No Mass
- A photograph of a seance at the home of Dr. Thomas Glendenning Hamilton on June 4, 1928, in which the medium, Mary Marshall, was seated in a cabinet and W.B. Cooper, Mrs. Poole, Dr. Hamilton, Lillian Hamilton, and H.A.V. Green acted as sitters. There was no materialization of a teleplasmic mass during this seance., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 83510, Luna Image ID - 119546
- Group I, #2 - Twisted Mass
- A photograph of the medium, Mary Marshall, with a twisted teleplasmic mass emerging from her nostril during a seance at the home of Dr. Thomas Glendenning Hamilton on August 5, 1928. A fine teleplasmic cord is also visible over Ms. Marshall's left temple that extends up to the bell-box on the cabinet wall. W.B. Cooper, Mrs. Poole, Mrs. Alder, Lillian Hamilton, and Dr. J.A. Hamilton were the other sitters during this seance., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 83514, Luna Image ID - 119547
- Group I, #2a - Twisted Mass (Wide Angle View)
- A photograph, using a wide angle camera view, of the medium, Mary Marshall, with a twisted teleplasmic mass emerging from her nostril during a seance at the home of Dr. Thomas Glendenning Hamilton on August 5, 1928. A fine teleplasmic cord is also visible over Ms. Marshall's left temple that extends up to the bell-box on the cabinet wall. W.B. Cooper, Mrs. Poole, Mrs. Alder, Lillian Hamilton, and Dr. J.A. Hamilton were the other sitters during this seance., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 83518, Luna Image ID - 119548
- Group I, #2b - Twisted Mass (Stereo View)
- A 2" slide of a stereo view of the medium, Mary Marshall, with a twisted teleplasmic mass attached to her face during a seance at the home of Dr. Thomas Glendenning Hamilton on August 4, 1928., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 84939, Luna Image ID - 118827
- Group I, #3 - Knotted Mass
- A photograph of the medium, Mary Marshall, with a knotted teleplasmic mass attached to her cheek during a seance at the home of Dr. Thomas Glendenning Hamilton on August 15, 1928. Other participants in this seance were W.B. Cooper, who was controlling Ms. Marshall's hand, Elizabeth Poole, Mrs. T.B. McMillan (Lillian Hamilton's sister), Lillian Hamilton, and Dr. J.A. Hamilton, who was controlling Ms. Marshall's other hand. The camera used to take this photograph was equipped with the highest-speed flash-powder, an 800 watt bulb, and a shutter speed of 1/100 seconds., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 83522, Luna Image ID - 119549
- Group I, #3a, 5a - Knotted Mass (Enlargement), Mass on Left Cheek
- A 2" slide of two images of the medium, Mary Marshall, with teleplasmic masses attached to her cheeks during seances at the home of Dr. Thomas Glendenning Hamilton on August 15, 1928 and September 23, 1928., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 84943, Luna Image ID - 118828
- Group I, #4 - Small Masses
- A photograph of the medium, Mary Marshall, with two small teleplasmic masses attached to her face and throat during a seance at the home of Dr. Thomas Glendenning Hamilton on August 26, 1928. Other participants in this seance were W.B. Cooper, Mrs. Poole, Mrs. McMillan (Lillian Hamilton's sister), Lillian Hamilton, and Dr. J.A. Hamilton., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 83526, Luna Image ID - 119550
- Group I, #5 - Lake Louise
- A stereo photograph of a scenic view of Lake Louise, Alberta. The reverse of this photograph featured another photograph of the formation of teleplasm on a medium., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 82344, Luna Image ID - 118945
- Group I, #5 - Teleplasm on Left Eye of Medium
- A stereo photograph of the formation of teleplasm on the left eye of the medium, Mrs. Marshall, during a seance at the home of Dr. Thomas Glendenning Hamilton on September 23, 1928. This photograph was on the reverse of a stereo photograph of Lake Louise, Alberta., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 82348, Luna Image ID - 118946
- Group I, #5a - Mass on Left Cheek (Side View)
- A photograph featuring a side view of the medium, Mary Marshall, with a teleplasmic mass attached to her left cheer near her eye during a seance at the home of Dr. Thomas Glendenning Hamilton on September 23, 1928. A teleplasmic cord was also attached from her mouth to a bell-box. Mrs. Poole, W.A. Wither, Lillian Hamilton, and Dr. J.A. Hamilton also took part in this seance., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 83530, Luna Image ID - 119551
- Group I, #5c - Mass on Left Cheek (Wide-Angle Camera View)
- A photograph featuring a wide-angle camera view of the medium, Mary Marshall, with a teleplasmic mass attached to her left cheer near her eye during a seance at the home of Dr. Thomas Glendenning Hamilton on September 23, 1928. A teleplasmic cord was also attached from her mouth to a bell-box. Mrs. Poole, W.A. Wither, Lillian Hamilton, and Dr. J.A. Hamilton also took part in this seance., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 83534, Luna Image ID - 119552
- Group I, #5d - Teleplasm on left eye of Mrs. Marshall
- A glass lantern slide of the formation of teleplasm on the left eye of the medium, Mrs. Marshall, during a seance at the home of Dr. Thomas Glendenning Hamilton on September 23, 1928., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 81878, Luna Image ID - 118844
- Group II - "A Delay. Medium Disobeys Walter's Instructions"
- The typed notes from the seance of November 21, 1928. No ectoplasm is able to be created. The spirit, Walter, discusses how several spirits help him in the production of ectoplasmic apparitions., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 285324, Luna Image ID - 153208
- Group II - "A Wonderful Promise"
- The typed notes from the seance of November 11, 1928. The spirit, Walter promises a picture of six people., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 285304, Luna Image ID - 153207
- Group II - "Plate No. 10"
- A detailed description of the two photographs taken at the seance of December 23, 1928, by T. G. Hamilton., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 285914, Luna Image ID - 153234
- Group II - "Records II"
- A textual document indicating the dates and apparitions for the seances collectively known as Group II. The dates are from October 7, 1928 to January 20, 1929., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 284755, Luna Image ID - 153185
- Group II - "Report of Sitting Held at 185 Kelvin St., Winnipeg"
- The typed notes from the seance held at 185 Kelvin St. on November 4, 1928, where the first picture of Charles Hadden Spurgeon is taken., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 285131, Luna Image ID - 153200
- Group II - "Report on the Sitting held Sunday, Nov. 25, 1928, 185 Kelvin St. Wpg."
- The typed notes from the seance of November 25, 1928 held at 185 Kelvin Street. A photograph with an ectoplasmic apparition containing five faces is produced during this sitting., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 285344, Luna Image ID - 153209
- Group II - Attendance Records for Seances
- Attendence records for the seances held by T. G. Hamilton in 1928 and up to March, 24 1929., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 286425, Luna Image ID - 153240
- Group II - Extracts from the Letter of Rev. Bickle-Haynes
- The typed extracts from the letter of Reverend Bickle-Haynes, an Octogenarian Minister of Louth, Lancashire, England, one of Spurgeon's original young preachers. Included is a handwritten note in the margin: "Many of the words of the original could not be made out - hence the blanks, last page mislaid.", Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 285570, Luna Image ID - 153219
- Group II - Photograph from Sitting Held at 185 Kelvin St.
- An annotated photograph from the seance held at 185 Kelvin St. on November 4, 1928, where the first ectoplasmic apparition of Charles Hadden Spurgeon occurs. "Walter foretold that E. M. would recognize the face, when the plate was shown to her before witnesses. This was done, and validated., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 285262, Luna Image ID - 153205
- Group II - Photograph from the Sitting held Sunday, Nov. 25, 1928, 185 Kelvin St. Wpg. (First Exposure)
- A photograph of the ectoplasmic apparition captured during the seance of November 25, 1928, held at 185 Kelvin Street, taped to a sheet of paper with a typed annotation: "5-face Group. First exposure, mass blurred, Medium's head moved.", Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 285388, Luna Image ID - 153214
- Group II - Photograph: "Second Spurgeon"
- A photograph taken at the seance of December 23, 1928, by T. G. Hamilton. The ectoplasmic apparition containing the likeness of Spurgeon is over Mary Marshall's left eye., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 285948, Luna Image ID - 153235
- Group II - Photographs: "2nd Spurgeon face"
- Four photographs taken at the seance of December 23, 1928, by T. G. Hamilton. The second ectoplasmic apparition containing the likeness of Spurgeon is over Mary Marshall's left eye., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 285977, Luna Image ID - 153236
- Group II - Photographs: "First miniature teleplasmic face"
- Two annotated photographs from the seance of October 7, 1928, featuring a teleplasmic likeness of W. T. Stead on the left eye of medium, Mary Marshall. "Its position predicted by Walter immediately after exposure had been made. Verified when plate developed.", Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 284817, Luna Image ID - 153188