
Annotated Photo Album, Trance - #28, Lucy and the Medium
A page from an annotated photo album labeled as #28 and featuring a photograph of the medium, Mary Marshall, and the teleplasmic materialization of a spirit named Lucy during a seance held at the home of Dr. Thomas Glendenning Hamilton on March 10, 1930., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 82511, Luna Image ID - 118985
Annotated Photo Album, Trance - #32, Katie King Materialization
A page from an annotated photo album labeled #32 and featuring four photographs of one medium, Dawn (Mary Marshall), and another medium, Margery, who is in a catalytic state of trance, as they conjure up a teleplasmic materialization of a spirit named Katie King during a seance at the home of Dr. Thomas Glendenning Hamilton on November 12, 1930., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 82519, Luna Image ID - 118987
Annotated Photo Album, Trance - #32, Katie King Materialization
A page from an annotated photo album labeled #32 and featuring two photographs of one medium, Dawn (Mary Marshall), and another medium, Margery, who is in a catalytic state of trance, as they conjure up a teleplasmic materialization of a spirit named Katie King during a seance at the home of Dr. Thomas Glendenning Hamilton on November 12, 1930., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 82515, Luna Image ID - 118986
Annotated Photo Album, Trance - Constant Features of Trance Condition
A page from an annotated photo album featuring a graph that indicates some of the more constant features of the average trance condition., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 82486, Luna Image ID - 118979
Annotated Photo Album, Trance - Deep Sleep
A page from an annotated photo album featuring a photograph of the medium, Mrs. Poole, slumped over on a table while in the deep sleep stage of a trance during a seance at the home of Dr. Thomas Glendenning Hamilton in April 1927., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 82503, Luna Image ID - 118983
Annotated Photo Album, Trance - Stage III
A page from an annotated photograph featuring three photographs of the medium, Mrs. Poole, progressing through the third stage of the trance condition during a seance at the home of Dr. Thomas Glendenning Hamilton on May 11, 1926., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 82494, Luna Image ID - 118981
Annotated Photo Album, Trance - Stage IV, Deep Sleep
A page from an annotated photo album featuring three photographs of the medium, Mrs. Poole, in the fourth stage of the trance condition, known as deep sleep, slumped over on the shoulder of Dr. Thomas Glendenning Hamilton during seances at Dr. Hamilton's home held on May 26, 1926 and April 17, 1927., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 82498, Luna Image ID - 118982
Annotated Photo Album, Trance - Stages I and II
A page from an annotated photo album featuring three photographs of the medium, Mrs. Poole, progressing through the first two stages of the trance condition during a seance at the home of Dr. Thomas Glendenning Hamilton on March 27, 1927., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 82490, Luna Image ID - 118980
Annotated Photo Album, Trance - Trance Analysis
A page from an annotated photo album entitled "Trance Analysis as Evidenced by Elizabeth M.," which features a graph tracing the several stages of the trance condition., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 82482, Luna Image ID - 118978
Group I - "A Second Evening of Fun with the Bell-Box"
A typed document describing the seance of September 8, 1928. Included are transcriptions of conversations between the spirit, Black Hawk, and W. B. Cooper, and the spirit, Walter, and T. G. Hamilton. Walter predicts an ectoplasmic apparition with a face., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 283025, Luna Image ID - 153150
Group I - "An Evening of Fun with the Bell-Box"
A textual document describing the seance of September 5, 1928, when a new bell-box was introduced to the seance room., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 282998, Luna Image ID - 153149
Group I - "Report on the Teleplasm"
A typed document describing the circumstances surrounding the ectoplasmic apparition photographed on August 20, 1928. Included is a handwritten note explaining how T. G. Hamilton preferred the term 'teleplasm' (autthor unknown)., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 282856, Luna Image ID - 153144
Group I - "Third Teleplasmic Structure"
A textual document describing the seance of August 26, 1928, when the third ectoplasmic apparition occurred., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 282926, Luna Image ID - 153146
Group I - "Attendance Records of Seances."
A textual document listing the people who attended the seances organized by T. G. Hamilton from May 1928 to May 1935. Recorders and scrutineers are grouped separately., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 282412, Luna Image ID - 153129
Group I - "Brilliant Phenomena"
A transcription of the September 23, 1928, seance concerned mostly with the spirit, Walter., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 283441, Luna Image ID - 153170
Group I - "Floor Plan of Seance Room, 1921-1940"
A diagram of the floor plan of the seance room showing the arrangement for the Mary M. experiments, 1921-1940., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 282403, Luna Image ID - 153127
Group I - "Plate no_5c"
A handwritten description by T. G. Hamilton of a photograph taken on September 23, 1928, with a Goery Stereoscopic camera., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 283287, Luna Image ID - 153162
Group I - "Records I."
A textual document indicating the dates and apparitions of the seances collectively known as Group I. The dates are from June 4, 1928 to September 23, 1928., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 282367, Luna Image ID - 153126
Group I - "The Long Promised Light Appears"
A typed document by T. G. Hamilton describing the circumstances of the seance of September 23, 1928, in great detail, including the photos taken during the seance., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 283496, Luna Image ID - 153167
Group I - "The Mediumship of Mary Marshall"
A textual document describing the ectoplasmic apparitions photographed by T. G. Hamilton in seances with medium, Mary Marshall. The dates of the seances span from June 4, 1928 to October 7, 1928., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 282417, Luna Image ID - 153130
Group I - "Walter's Preparations Completed"
A typed document of the notes taken during the seance of September 17, 1928. Inncluded are conversations with both the spirit, Walter, and the spirit, Black Hawk., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 283063, Luna Image ID - 153152
Group I - An Address
A textual document of an address written by the spirit, Walter, through the medium, Mary Marshall, "10 Lyon Street, Boston, N Y, WSS.", Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 282635, Luna Image ID - 153136
Group I - Photograph description
The typed notes of T. G. Hamilton describing the ectoplasmic apparition photographed in the seance of September 23, 1928. The description is written on two, T. Eaton Co. drug department prescription slips taped together., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 283324, Luna Image ID - 153165
Group I - Photograph from seance of September 23, 1928
A wide angle photograph taken during the seance of September 23, 1928. Included is a textual annotation listing the sitters., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 283185, Luna Image ID - 153154
Group I - Photograph: "Second Ectoplasmic Structure"
A photograph of the ectoplasmic apparition which occurred during the seance of August 15, 1928, on the face of Mary Marshall. Includes a handwritten description of the photograph., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 282816, Luna Image ID - 153142
Group I - Photograph: "Teleplasmic Mass, Cords connecting MM's head to Bell Box"
A photograph from the August 26, 1928 seance taped to a piece of paper. Includes date and title., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 283689, Luna Image ID - 153177
Group I - Photographs: Twisted Teleplasm
Two photographs taken at the August 5, 1928, seance taped to a piece of paper with annotation: "Under magnification fine cord seen from M.M.'s left cheek & eye, up to bell-box above her head. Signal for firing flash given by bell, which continued to ring after exposure made. Functional teleplasm fully demonstrated.", Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 284091, Luna Image ID - 153181
Group I - Photographs: Large Ectoplasm on Mary Marshall's Face
Photographs of a large ectoplasmic apparition covering the left side of Mary Marshall's face, taped to a sheet of paper., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 284120, Luna Image ID - 153183
Group I - Seance Notes
A textual document containing notes taken during three seances spanning from June 28, 1928 to August 5, 1928. Includes a report of a photographed teleplasm. A handwritten note is written in the margin., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 282657, Luna Image ID - 153138
Group I - Seance Notes
The handwritten notes for the seance of September 23, 1928. The spirit, Walter, creates an ectoplasmic apparition through the medium, Mary Marshall, for T. G. Hamilton to photograph., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 283232, Luna Image ID - 153156
Group I - Seance Notes
A typed document of notes taken for a seance conducted on August 5, 1928, dealing with an ectoplasmic apparition on Mary Marshall's face. A photograph of the ectoplasm is included., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 282679, Luna Image ID - 153139
Group I - Seance Notes
A textual document containing notes taken during three seances spanning from June 4, 1928 to June 13, 1928., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 282507, Luna Image ID - 153131
Group I - Seance Notes
A textual document containing notes taken during four seances spanning from June 13, 1928 to June 28, 1928. Document includes handwritten notes in the margins., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 282606, Luna Image ID - 153134
Group I - Seance Notes
A textual document containing notes taken during three seances spanning from June 28, 1928 to August 5, 1928. Includes a report of a photographed teleplasm., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 282610, Luna Image ID - 153135
Group I - Seance Notes
A textual document containing notes taken during four seances spanning from June 13, 1928 to June 28, 1928., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 282555, Luna Image ID - 153133
Group I - Seance Notes
A textual document containing notes taken during three seances spanning from June 4, 1928 to June 13, 1928. Further handwritten notes are in the margins, including one signed M. H. B. (Margaret Hamiton Bach)., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 282527, Luna Image ID - 153132
Group I, #1 - No Mass
A photograph of a seance at the home of Dr. Thomas Glendenning Hamilton on June 4, 1928, in which the medium, Mary Marshall, was seated in a cabinet and W.B. Cooper, Mrs. Poole, Dr. Hamilton, Lillian Hamilton, and H.A.V. Green acted as sitters. There was no materialization of a teleplasmic mass during this seance., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 83510, Luna Image ID - 119546
Group I, #2 - Twisted Mass
A photograph of the medium, Mary Marshall, with a twisted teleplasmic mass emerging from her nostril during a seance at the home of Dr. Thomas Glendenning Hamilton on August 5, 1928. A fine teleplasmic cord is also visible over Ms. Marshall's left temple that extends up to the bell-box on the cabinet wall. W.B. Cooper, Mrs. Poole, Mrs. Alder, Lillian Hamilton, and Dr. J.A. Hamilton were the other sitters during this seance., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 83514, Luna Image ID - 119547
Group I, #2a - Twisted Mass (Wide Angle View)
A photograph, using a wide angle camera view, of the medium, Mary Marshall, with a twisted teleplasmic mass emerging from her nostril during a seance at the home of Dr. Thomas Glendenning Hamilton on August 5, 1928. A fine teleplasmic cord is also visible over Ms. Marshall's left temple that extends up to the bell-box on the cabinet wall. W.B. Cooper, Mrs. Poole, Mrs. Alder, Lillian Hamilton, and Dr. J.A. Hamilton were the other sitters during this seance., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 83518, Luna Image ID - 119548
