
Annotated Photo Album, Groups XIV-XVIII - #54, Tzan
A page from an annotated photo album labeled #54 featuring a photograph of the mediums, Mary Marshall and Mercedes, and a teleplasmic mass hovering behind their heads containing the likeness of the trance control, Tzan., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 83163, Luna Image ID - 119145
Annotated Photo Album, Groups XIV-XVIII - #55, "Umbrella" Teleplasm
A page from an annotated photo album labeled #55 featuring photographs of the medium, Mary Marshall, with a teleplasmic mass in the form of a cloud or an umbrella surrounding her head during a seance at the home of Dr. Thomas Glendenning Hamilton on February 25, 1934., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 83120, Luna Image ID - 119135
Annotated Photo Album, Groups XIV-XVIII - #56, Condensed Substance
A page from an annotated photo album labeled #56 featuring photographs of the medium, Mary Marshall, with a teleplasmic mass that had condensed and reappeared on her mouth during a seance at the home of Dr. Thomas Glendenning Hamilton on February 25, 1934., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 83124, Luna Image ID - 119136
Annotated Photo Album, Groups XIV-XVIII - #57, "Leaf" Teleplasm
A page from an annotated photo album labeled #57 and #57a featuring photographs of a teleplasmic mass resembling a leaf that floated above the heads of the mediums, Mary Marshall and Mercedes, and the residue remaining from this materialization during a seance at the home of Dr. Thomas Glendenning Hamilton on March 4, 1934., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 83167, Luna Image ID - 119146
Annotated Photo Album, Groups XIV-XVIII - #58, Emerging Teleplasm
A page from an annotated photo album labeled #58 featuring photographs of the medium, Mary Marshall, with a teleplasmic mass emerging from her mouth during a seance at the home of Dr. Thomas Glendenning Hamilton on March 10, 1934., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 83171, Luna Image ID - 119147
Annotated Photo Album, Groups XIV-XVIII - #66, Lucy Clelland and Thomas Glendenning Hamilton
A page from an annotated photo album labeled #66 featuring portraits of Lucy Clelland and Thomas Glendenning Hamilton and a photograph of the teleplasmic mass that contained their faces during a seance at the home of Dr. Hamilton on May 22, 1939., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 83175, Luna Image ID - 119148
Annotated Photo Album, Groups XIV-XVIII - #66, Lucy Clelland and Thomas Glendenning Hamilton
A page from an annotated photo album labeled #66 featuring a photograph of a teleplasmic mass containing the faces of Ms. Clelland and Dr. Thomas Glendenning Hamilton that materialized above the head of the medium, Mary Marshall, during a seance at the home of Dr. Hamilton on May 22, 1939., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 83192, Luna Image ID - 119152
Annotated Photo Album, Groups XIV-XVIII - #66, Lucy Clelland and Thomas Glendenning Hamilton
A page from an annotated photo album labeled #66 featuring a photograph of Lucy Clelland and her family and photographs of a teleplasmic mass containing the faces of Ms. Clelland and Dr. Thomas Glendenning Hamilton that materialized above the head of the medium, Mary Marshall, during a seance at the home of Dr. Hamilton on May 22, 1939., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 83188, Luna Image ID - 119151
Annotated Photo Album, Groups XIV-XVIII - #67, Note by Lillian Hamilton
A page from an annotated photo album labeled #67 featuring a detatched note written by Lillian Hamilton that describes why the faces in teleplasmic masses appear flat and why the experiments were not a hoax., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 83184, Luna Image ID - 119150
Annotated Photo Album, Groups XIV-XVIII - #67, Residue of "Screen"
A page from an annotated photo album labeled #67 featuring photographs of a the residue of a teleplasmic mass that resembled a screen that materialized during a seance at the home of Dr. Thomas Glendenning Hamilton on May 28, 1939. One photograph is a double exposure of this seance and one conducted on May 20, 1939., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 83180, Luna Image ID - 119149
Annotated Photo Album, Groups XIV-XVIII - #68, Supernormal Handkerchief
A page from an annotated photo album labeled #68 featuring a photograph of the medium, Mary Marshall, with a supernormal handkerchief enveloping her head during a seance at the home of Dr. Thomas Glendenning Hamilton on February 27, 1940., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 83208, Luna Image ID - 119156
Annotated Photo Album, Groups XIV-XVIII - #68, Supernormal Handkerchief
A page from an annotated photo album labeled #68 featuring a photograph of an enlarged view of the medium, Mary Marshall, with a supernormal handkerchief enveloping her head during a seance at the home of Dr. Thomas Glendenning Hamilton on February 27, 1940., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 83216, Luna Image ID - 119158
Annotated Photo Album, Groups XIV-XVIII - #68, Supernormal Handkerchief
A page from an annotated photo album labeled #68 featuring a photograph of the medium, Mary Marshall, with a supernormal handkerchief enveloping her head during a seance at the home of Dr. Thomas Glendenning Hamilton on February 23, 1940. The photograph was taken with a wide angle camera., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 83212, Luna Image ID - 119157
Annotated Photo Album, Groups XIV-XVIII - #68, Supernormal Handkerchief
A page from an annotated photo album labeled #68 featuring photographs of the medium, Mary Marshall, with a supernormal handkerchief enveloping her head during a seance at the home of Dr. Thomas Glendenning Hamilton on February 23, 1940., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 83204, Luna Image ID - 119155
Annotated Photo Album, Groups XIV-XVIII - #69, Four Faces and a Cartoon
A page from an annotated photo album labeled #69 featuring a portrait of the medium, Mrs. Poole, and a photograph of the teleplasmic mass that appeared during a seance at the home of Dr. Thomas Glendenning Hamilton on February 28, 1940 that contained the faces of Mrs. Poole, Sir Edmund Reed, the brother of H.A. Reed, Dr. J.A. Hamilton, and a cartoon named Mortimer Snerd., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 83224, Luna Image ID - 119160
Annotated Photo Album, Groups XIV-XVIII - #69, Four-Faces Teleplasm
A page from an annotated photo album labeled #69 featuring photographs of the medium, Mary Marshall, with a teleplasmic mass floating above her head and to her left that contained the faces of four individuals during a seance at the home of Dr. Thomas Glendenning Hamilton on February 28, 1940., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 83220, Luna Image ID - 119159
Annotated Photo Album, Groups XIV-XVIII - #69, Identity of Reed Face in Four-Face Teleplasm
A page from an annotated photo album labeled #69 featuring a photocopy of a letter written by Gladys M. Reed to Lillian Hamilton, dated May 3, 1950, in which Ms. Reed confirms the identity of Sir Edward Reed in a teleplasmic mass that materialized during a seance at the home of Dr. Thomas Glendenning Hamilton on February 28, 1940., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 83261, Luna Image ID - 119168
Annotated Photo Album, Groups XIV-XVIII - #69, Sir Edward Reed
A page from an annotated photo album labeled #69 featuring a photocopy of a photograph of Sir Edward Reed that was given to his nephew, Henry P. Reed., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 83251, Luna Image ID - 119166
Annotated Photo Album, Groups XIV-XVIII - #69, Sir Edward Reed (Annotation)
The reverse side of a page from an annotated photo album labeled #69 featuring an annotation relating to the opposide side of a photocopy of a photograph of Sir Edward Reed that was given to his nephew, Henry P. Reed., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 83255, Luna Image ID - 119167
Annotated Photo Album, Groups XIV-XVIII - #70, Original Gaelic Script
A page from an annotated photo album labeled #70 featuring a Gaelic script that was written by the medium, Mary Marshall, while in a trance state during a seance at the home of Dr. Thomas Glendenning Hamilton on October 22, 1942., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 83237, Luna Image ID - 119163
Annotated Photo Album, Groups XIV-XVIII - #70, Original Gaelic Script Translation
A page from an annotated photo album labeled #70 featuring the English translation of the poem, "The Sky Lark", by Peter Campbell, which the medium, Mary Marshall, wrote in Gaelic while in a trance state during a seance at the home of Dr. Thomas Glendenning Hamilton on October 22, 1942., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 83242, Luna Image ID - 119164
Annotated Photo Album, Groups XIV-XVIII - Elizabeth M. (Mrs. Poole)
A page from an annotated photo album featuring a portrait of the medium, Elizabeth M. (Mrs. Poole)., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 83155, Luna Image ID - 119143
Annotated Photo Album, Groups XIV-XVIII - Final Face-Bearing Teleplasm
A page from an annotated photo album featuring photographs of Elizabeth Poole and of the medium, Mary Marshall, with the last face-bearing teleplasmic mass, which, among others, contained the face of Mrs. Poole, hovering to her left during a seance at the home of Dr. Thomas Glendenning Hamilton on February 28, 1940., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 83140, Luna Image ID - 119141
Annotated Photo Album, Groups XIV-XVIII - Five-Face Teleplasm Description
A page from an annotated photo album featuring a typed description of the five-face teleplasm that appeared during a seance at the home of Dr. Thomas Glendenning Hamilton on February 28, 1940. The faces were identified as Hugh Reed's brother, Sir Edward Reed, Elizabeth Poole, Dr. J.A. Hamilton, and a funny face that the spirit control, Walter, played on Mr. Reed., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 83132, Luna Image ID - 119138
Annotated Photo Album, Groups XIV-XVIII - Four-Face Mass Enlargement
A page from an annotated photo album featuring a photograph of a teleplasmic mass that materialized during a seance at the home of Dr. Thomas Glendenning Hamilton on February 28, 1940 that contained the faces of L.H. Reed's brother, Sir Edward Reed, Elizabeth Poole, and an unidentied individual (later identified as Dr. J.A. Hamilton)., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 83136, Luna Image ID - 119139
Annotated Photo Album, Groups XIV-XVIII - Notes on Seance of May 22, 1939, Page 1
A page from an annotated photo album featuring the first page of typed notes written by Lillian Hamilton detailing the seance at the home of Dr. Thomas Glendenning Hamilton on May 22, 1939 in which the faces of Dr. Hamilton and his former love, Lucy Clelland, appeared in a teleplasmic mass., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 83196, Luna Image ID - 119153
Annotated Photo Album, Groups XIV-XVIII - Notes on Seance of May 22, 1939, Page 2
A page from an annotated photo album featuring the second page of typed notes written by Lillian Hamilton detailing the seance at the home of Dr. Thomas Glendenning Hamilton on May 22, 1939 in which the faces of Dr. Hamilton and his former love, Lucy Clelland, appeared in a teleplasmic mass., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 83200, Luna Image ID - 119154
Annotated Photo Album, Groups XIV-XVIII - Sir Edward Reed
A page from an annotated photo album consisting of a photocopy of a photograph of Sir Edward Reed, who would later appear in a face-bearing teleplasmic mass during a seance at the home of Dr. Thomas Glendenning Hamilton on February 28, 1940., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 83145, Luna Image ID - 119140
Annotated Photo Album, Groups XIV-XVIII - The Four Face Teleplasm
A page from an annotated photo album featuring a photograph of the medium, Mary Marshall, and a teleplasmic mass hovering above her head that contained the faces of four individuals and appeared during a seance at the home of Dr. Thomas Glendenning Hamilton on February 28, 1940., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 83247, Luna Image ID - 119165
Annotated Photo Album, Groups XIV-XVIII - Writing of Entranced Elizabeth M.
A page from an annotated photo album featuring a reprint of a sample of writing done by the medium, Elizabeth M. (Mrs. Poole) while entranced., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 83150, Luna Image ID - 119142
Annotated Photo Album, Telekinesis - "Levitations by Psychic Force (Telekinesis)"
A page from an annotated photo album featuring a number of clippings detailing the photographs of the levitating table during seances at the home of Dr. Thomas Glendenning Hamilton. The top clipping is titled "Levitations by Psychic Force (Telekinesis).", Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 82375, Luna Image ID - 118952
Annotated Photo Album, Telekinesis - Experiment C
A page from an annotated photo album featuring a photograph, labeled as Experiment C, of Dr. Thomas Glendenning Hamilton, D.B. MacDonald, and the medium, Mrs. Poole, attempting to prevent the movement of the table and chair via telekinesis during a seance at Dr. Hamilton's home in March 1923., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 82426, Luna Image ID - 118964
Annotated Photo Album, Telekinesis - Experiment F
A page from an annotated photo album featuring a photograph of a table pressing against a heavy screen as the table was moved via telekinesis by the medium, Mrs. Poole, during a seance at the home of Dr. Thomas Glendenning Hamilton in April 1926. This event is referred to as Experiment F., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 82458, Luna Image ID - 118972
Annotated Photo Album, Telekinesis - Experiments A & B
A page from an annotated photo album featuring photographs of Dr. Thomas Glendenning Hamilton and the medium, Elizabeth M., during experiments at Dr. Hamilton's home designed to levitate a table through telekinesis., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 82379, Luna Image ID - 118953
Annotated Photo Album, Telekinesis - In Seance Room
A page from an annotated photo album entitled "April 1925. In Seance Room" featuring a photograph of the medium, Mrs. Poole, "charging" a table with psychic energy during a seance with Dr. Thomas Glendenning Hamilton, Dr. J.A. Hamilton, Lillian Hamilton, and H.A.V. Green at T.G. Hamilton's home in April 1925., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 82438, Luna Image ID - 118967
Annotated Photo Album, Telekinesis - J. Malcolm Bird
A page from an annotated photo album featuring a photograph of the observer, J. Malcolm Bird, the medium, Mrs. Poole, and Dr. Thomas Glendenning Hamilton as Mrs. Poole levitates a table during a seance at Dr. Hamilton's home on March 1, 1926. A description of Mr. Bird's careful examinations of the seance room and a quote from Camille Flammarion are also featured., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 82408, Luna Image ID - 118960
Annotated Photo Album, Telekinesis - Levitation & Inversion
A page from an annotated photo album entitled "Telekinesis - Levitation & Inversion," which features a photograph of the medium, Mrs. Poole, levitating and inverting a table while J. Malcolm Bird, the observer, and Dr. Thomas Glendenning Hamilton, the host of the seance, look on during the seance held in March 1926., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 82462, Luna Image ID - 118973
Annotated Photo Album, Telekinesis - Levitation Sideways
A page from an annotated photo album featuring photographs of the medium, Mrs. Poole, levitating a table in a sideways direction and through no contact with the table, while Dr. Ross Mitchell and Dr. A.M. Davidson observe, during a seance at the home of Dr. Thomas Glendenning Hamilton on May 30, 1926., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 82418, Luna Image ID - 118962
Annotated Photo Album, Telekinesis - Levitation and Inversion
A page from an annotated photo album featuring one photograph of the medium, Mrs. Poole, levitating and inverting a table during a seance at the home of Dr. Thomas Glendenning Hamilton on January 24, 1926, and another photograph of Mrs. Poole levitating a table at Dr. Hamilton's home on May 16, 1926., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 82400, Luna Image ID - 118958
