- A page from an annotated photo album labeled #49 featuring photographs of the mediums, Mary Marshall and Mercedes, and the third teleplasmic manifestation of the face and veil of the spirit, Katie King, during a seance at the home of Dr. Thomas Glendenning Hamilton on January 9, 1933., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 83050, Luna Image ID - 119118
- A page from an annotated photo album labeled #49 featuring photographs of the mediums, Mary Marshall and Mercedes, and the third teleplasmic manifestation of the face and veil of the spirit, Katie King, during a seance at the home of Dr. Thomas Glendenning Hamilton on January 9, 1933., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 83054, Luna Image ID - 119119
- A typed annotation concerning the third teleplasmic manifestation of the face and veil of the spirit, Katie King, during a seance at the home of Dr. Thomas Glendenning Hamilton on January 9, 1933. This annotation was linked with a page from an annotated photo album labeled #49., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 83042, Luna Image ID - 119116
- A page from an annotated photo album labeled #50 featuring photographs of a telesplasmic mass resembling a feather floating behind the mediums, Mary Marshall and Mercedes, during a seance at the home of Dr. Thomas Glendenning Hamilton on March 22, 1933., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 83058, Luna Image ID - 119120
- A page from an annotated photo album labeled #51 featuring a photocopy of a drawing of Jesus by the medium, Mary Marshall, in complete darkness during a seance at the home of Dr. Thomas Glendenning Hamilton on April 9, 1933., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 83062, Luna Image ID - 119121
- A detatched note from a page from an annotated photo album labeled #51 featuring the appraisal of a drawing of Jesus by the medium, Mary Marshall, in complete darkness during a seance at the home of Dr. Thomas Glendenning Hamilton on April 9, 1933. The appraisal was conducted by Allison Newton and told to Lillian Hamilton., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 83067, Luna Image ID - 119122
- A page from an annotated photo album labeled #52 featuring stereo photographs of the mediums, Mary Marshall and Mercedes, and the fourth materialization of the spirit, Katie King, who appeared in a teleplasmic "shell" during a seance at the home of Dr. Thomas Glendenning Hamilton on April 23, 1933. A typed annotation describing this seance is also featured on this page., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 83080, Luna Image ID - 119125
- A page from an annotated photo album labeled #52 featuring a photograph of the fourth materialization of the spirit, Katie King, who appeared in a teleplasmic "shell" during a seance at the home of Dr. Thomas Glendenning Hamilton on April 23, 1933., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 83084, Luna Image ID - 119126
- A page from an annotated photo album labeled #59 and 60 featuring photographs of the mediums, Mary Marshall and Mercedes, with a teleplasmic mass behind their heads that contained the face of John King and of the teleplasmic residue that remained following the materialization during a seance at the home of Dr. Thomas Glendenning Hamilton on March 11, 1934., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 83088, Luna Image ID - 119127
- A page from an annotated photo album labeled #61 featuring photographs of the medium, Mary Marshall, with a teleplasmic mass behind her head during a seance at the home of Dr. Thomas Glendenning Hamilton on December 11, 1935, in which Dr. Bruce Chown was in charge of the experiment., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 83092, Luna Image ID - 119128
- A page from an annotated photo album labeled #61 featuring photographs of the medium, Mary Marshall, with a teleplasmic mass behind her head during a seance at the home of Dr. Thomas Glendenning Hamilton on December 11, 1935, in which Dr. Bruce Chown was in charge of the experiment., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 83096, Luna Image ID - 119129
- A page from an annotated photo album labeled #62 featuring photographs of the medium, Mary Marshall, with a teleplasmic mass hanging above her head during a seance at the home of Dr. Thomas Glendenning Hamilton. Dr. Bruce Chown was in charge of this experiment., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 83100, Luna Image ID - 119130
- A page from an annotated photo album labeled #63 featuring a photograph of a seance at the home of Dr. Thomas Glendenning Hamilton on March 30, 1939 where the first teleplasm in three years appeared through the medium, Mary Marshall., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 83072, Luna Image ID - 119123
- A page from an annotated photo album labeled #64 featuring photographs of the medium, Mary Marshall, with a teleplasmic mass on the top of her head, referred to as a talking machine, and of a sitter in a trance state during a seance at the home of Dr. Thomas Glendenning Hamilton on April 6, 1939., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 83076, Luna Image ID - 119124
- A page from an annotated photo album labeled #65 featuring photographs of the medium, Mary Marshall, and a teleplasmic screen-like mass that appeared above her head during a seance at the home of Dr. Thomas Glendenning Hamilton on May 28, 1939. One of the photographs has been overexposed., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 83112, Luna Image ID - 119133
- A page from an annotated photo album labeled #66 featuring a photograph of the participants in a seance at the home of Dr. Thomas Glendenning Hamilton on May 22, 1939, in which the medium, Mary Marshall, materialized a square-shaped teleplasmic mass that hung suspended above her head., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 83116, Luna Image ID - 119134
- A page from an annotated photo album featuring photographs of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle during the Boer War and of the medium, Mary Marshall, with a teleplasmic mass attached to her face that contained the face of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle during a seance at the home of Dr. Thomas Glendenning Hamilton on May 1, 1932., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 83009, Luna Image ID - 119108
- A page from an annotated photo album featuring photographs of the medium, Mary Marshall, with a teleplasmic mass attached to her nose featuring the second materialization of the face of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle during a seance at the home of Dr. Thomas Glendenning Hamilton on June 27, 1932., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 83104, Luna Image ID - 119131
- A page from an annotated photo album featuring photographs of a portrait of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and of the medium, Mary Marshall, with a teleplasmic mass attached to her nose featuring the second materialization of the face of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle during a seance at the home of Dr. Thomas Glendenning Hamilton on June 27, 1932., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 83108, Luna Image ID - 119132
- A page from an annotated photo album labeled #42 featuring photographs of the medium, Mary Marshall, with a teleplasmic mass emerging from the mouth of the medium, Mary Marshall, during a seance at the home of Dr. Thomas Glendenning Hamilton on April 27, 1932., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 83232, Luna Image ID - 119162
- A page from an annotated photo album labeled #43 featuring photographs of the materialization of a teleplasmic mass in the shape of a hand that was attached to the mouth of the medium, Mary Marshall, during a seance at the home of Dr. Thomas Glendenning Hamilton on April 27, 1932., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 83228, Luna Image ID - 119161
- A page from an annotated photo album labeled #49 featuring photographs of the teleplasmic materialization of the veiled face of the spirit, Katie King, which formed behind the heads of the mediums, Mary Marshall and Mercedes, during a seance at the home of Dr. Thomas Glendenning Hamilton on January 9, 1933., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 83128, Luna Image ID - 119137
- A page from an annotated photo album labeled #53 featuring photographs of the medium, Mary Marshall, with a teleplasmic mass attached to her face that contains the finger of the spirit, Katie King, during a seance at the home of Dr. Thomas Glendenning Hamilton on November 12, 1933., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 83159, Luna Image ID - 119144
- A page from an annotated photo album labeled #54 featuring a photograph of the mediums, Mary Marshall and Mercedes, and a teleplasmic mass hovering behind their heads containing the likeness of the trance control, Tzan., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 83163, Luna Image ID - 119145
- A page from an annotated photo album labeled #55 featuring photographs of the medium, Mary Marshall, with a teleplasmic mass in the form of a cloud or an umbrella surrounding her head during a seance at the home of Dr. Thomas Glendenning Hamilton on February 25, 1934., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 83120, Luna Image ID - 119135
- A page from an annotated photo album labeled #56 featuring photographs of the medium, Mary Marshall, with a teleplasmic mass that had condensed and reappeared on her mouth during a seance at the home of Dr. Thomas Glendenning Hamilton on February 25, 1934., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 83124, Luna Image ID - 119136
- A page from an annotated photo album labeled #57 and #57a featuring photographs of a teleplasmic mass resembling a leaf that floated above the heads of the mediums, Mary Marshall and Mercedes, and the residue remaining from this materialization during a seance at the home of Dr. Thomas Glendenning Hamilton on March 4, 1934., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 83167, Luna Image ID - 119146
- A page from an annotated photo album labeled #58 featuring photographs of the medium, Mary Marshall, with a teleplasmic mass emerging from her mouth during a seance at the home of Dr. Thomas Glendenning Hamilton on March 10, 1934., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 83171, Luna Image ID - 119147
- A page from an annotated photo album labeled #66 featuring a photograph of a teleplasmic mass containing the faces of Ms. Clelland and Dr. Thomas Glendenning Hamilton that materialized above the head of the medium, Mary Marshall, during a seance at the home of Dr. Hamilton on May 22, 1939., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 83192, Luna Image ID - 119152
- A page from an annotated photo album labeled #66 featuring a photograph of Lucy Clelland and her family and photographs of a teleplasmic mass containing the faces of Ms. Clelland and Dr. Thomas Glendenning Hamilton that materialized above the head of the medium, Mary Marshall, during a seance at the home of Dr. Hamilton on May 22, 1939., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 83188, Luna Image ID - 119151
- A page from an annotated photo album labeled #66 featuring portraits of Lucy Clelland and Thomas Glendenning Hamilton and a photograph of the teleplasmic mass that contained their faces during a seance at the home of Dr. Hamilton on May 22, 1939., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 83175, Luna Image ID - 119148
- A page from an annotated photo album labeled #67 featuring photographs of a the residue of a teleplasmic mass that resembled a screen that materialized during a seance at the home of Dr. Thomas Glendenning Hamilton on May 28, 1939. One photograph is a double exposure of this seance and one conducted on May 20, 1939., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 83180, Luna Image ID - 119149
- A page from an annotated photo album labeled #68 featuring a photograph of the medium, Mary Marshall, with a supernormal handkerchief enveloping her head during a seance at the home of Dr. Thomas Glendenning Hamilton on February 23, 1940. The photograph was taken with a wide angle camera., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 83212, Luna Image ID - 119157
- A page from an annotated photo album labeled #68 featuring photographs of the medium, Mary Marshall, with a supernormal handkerchief enveloping her head during a seance at the home of Dr. Thomas Glendenning Hamilton on February 23, 1940., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 83204, Luna Image ID - 119155
- A page from an annotated photo album labeled #68 featuring a photograph of the medium, Mary Marshall, with a supernormal handkerchief enveloping her head during a seance at the home of Dr. Thomas Glendenning Hamilton on February 27, 1940., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 83208, Luna Image ID - 119156
- A page from an annotated photo album labeled #68 featuring a photograph of an enlarged view of the medium, Mary Marshall, with a supernormal handkerchief enveloping her head during a seance at the home of Dr. Thomas Glendenning Hamilton on February 27, 1940., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 83216, Luna Image ID - 119158
- A page from an annotated photo album labeled #69 featuring a portrait of the medium, Mrs. Poole, and a photograph of the teleplasmic mass that appeared during a seance at the home of Dr. Thomas Glendenning Hamilton on February 28, 1940 that contained the faces of Mrs. Poole, Sir Edmund Reed, the brother of H.A. Reed, Dr. J.A. Hamilton, and a cartoon named Mortimer Snerd., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 83224, Luna Image ID - 119160
- A page from an annotated photo album labeled #69 featuring photographs of the medium, Mary Marshall, with a teleplasmic mass floating above her head and to her left that contained the faces of four individuals during a seance at the home of Dr. Thomas Glendenning Hamilton on February 28, 1940., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 83220, Luna Image ID - 119159