- The hand written notes from the seance of March 3, 1929. The spirit, Walter, requests that Mary Marshall wear only one garment of clothing at the next sitting; later, he mentions that there was only one perfect man., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 287917, Luna Image ID - 153285
- Typed notes for the seances of August 30, 1929 and September 4, 1929. On August 30, 1929, the medium Elizabeth receives the name Ellen of the Rosebuds. On September 4, 1929, Mary Marshall receives the name Dawn and the spirit, Lucy (Susan Marshall's control), promises a new picture., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 290430, Luna Image ID - 148290
- An annotation written by W.B. Hobbs, Secretary of the Richardson Bros. Art Gallery, where a photo of Lucy was diplayed, in which he makes comments on the seance at the home of Dr. Thomas Glendenning Hamilton on March 10, 1930 in which the teleplasmic materialization of the face and torso of the spirit Lucy, presumed dead for over a hundred years, appeared. Hobbs notes that Isaac Pitblado was in charge of the experiment, that ten cameras were used to capture the moment, and that H.A. Reed assisted in the photography., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 83953, Luna Image ID - 119298
- Typed notes from the seance of March 19, 1930. Walter discusses an experiment where no one is to be inside the cabinet, explains more about the nature of ectoplasmic apparitions. Lucy talks about her mortal life., Luna Collection ID - 28::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 295715, Luna Image ID - 148558