
Photograph - Shirley Weber
A photograph of home economics student Shirley Weber., Luna Collection ID - 109::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 439750, Luna Image ID - 153657
Photograph - Students outside Manitoba Agricultural College
A photograph of a group of students standing outside a building on the Manitoba Agricultural College campus in winter., Luna Collection ID - 109::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 439401, Luna Image ID - 153631
Photograph - Tache Hall
A photograph of the Tache Hall residence at the University of Manitoba., Luna Collection ID - 109::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 356137, Luna Image ID - 153577
Photograph - Tache Hall residence under construction
A photograph of the Tache Hall residence at the University of Manitoba Fort Garry campus being constructed. A typed label is attached to the photograph and reads "Ft. Garry M.A.C. Residence Building under construction c. 1911"., Luna Collection ID - 109::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 356447, Luna Image ID - 153488
Photograph - University of Manitoba Faculty of Agriculture junior basketball team, 1931
A photograph of the 1931 junior basketball team of the faculty of agriculture at the University of Manitoba: William Silversides, Louis Sair, J. Lewis, Frederick Harding, Peter Janzen, William Whiteway, Walter Nesbitt, William Janzen, and L. Tremaine., Luna Collection ID - 109::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 421726, Luna Image ID - 153829
Photograph - University of Manitoba Faculty of Agriculture senior basketball team, 1931-1932
A photograph of the 1931-1932 University of Manitoba faculty of agriculture senior basketball team: William Harding, Harry Whitby, George Stratton, R. Wray Youmans (coach), Alvin Cooper, Howard MacGregor, William Silversides, and Neill MacGregor (captain)., Luna Collection ID - 109::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 434484, Luna Image ID - 153848
Photograph - University of Manitoba Faculty of Agriculture students, 1930s
A photograph of agricultural students at the University of Manitoba, sometime in the 1930s. Members of the 1932, 1933, 1934 and 1935 diploma and degree classes are pictured, including: R. L. Moody, Robert Harvey, John Sim, Frank Shefrin, Creighton Gibson, A. Little, Robert Ross, Reuben Wicklund, Wilfrid Waddell, Francis Muirhead, Howard Peto, Peter Kondra, J. Tussman, D. J. Tompkin, J. L. Wilson, Arni Gillis, William Sanburn, A. T. Berg, Robert Frost, William Silversides, James Floyd, Thorn Hawken, J. Wolfman, A. Stermer, T. Cannon, M. Storozuk, K. C. Thorneloe, Paul Innes, R. W. Brown, Dr. W. Turnbull, T. L. Forster, D. Herron, and William Holman., Luna Collection ID - 109::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 426168, Luna Image ID - 153530
Photograph - University of Manitoba Fort Garry campus
A photograph of agricultural buildings, including the dairy science building, at the University of Manitoba Fort Garry campus., Luna Collection ID - 109::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 356349, Luna Image ID - 153600
Photograph - University of Manitoba agriculture and home economics student council, 1927
A photograph of the 1927 University of Manitoba Faculty of Agriculture student council: Back row: John Scholes, G. Parker, Leifur Bergsteinsson, M. Brock, and C. Hopper. Second row: J. N. Wilcox, Edward Atkins, Anne Kinread, Frances MacKay, Mabel Cameron, M. Gilmour, Theodore Weir, and James Blanchard. Front row: T. Weir, Helen Leppard, Margaret Stone, Herbert West, Margaret Grundy, and H. Robertson., Luna Collection ID - 109::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 440015, Luna Image ID - 153678
Photograph - University of Manitoba faculty of agriculture senior football team, 1930
A photograph of the University of Manitoba faculty of agriculture senior football team, interfaculty champions: John Forsyth, Reginald Kirvan, coach C. H. Grant, Cecil Parker, dean William McKillican, Neill MacGregor, George Feuffel, Frederick Hamilton, Frank Nowosad, captain Charles Johnston, S. Lindsay Awrey, David Price, and Harry Whitby., Luna Collection ID - 109::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 434327, Luna Image ID - 153843
Photograph - William Wiener with thresher on Manitoba Agricultural College campus
A photograph of Manitoba Agricultural College field husbandry professor W. T. G. Wiener. This black-and-white photograph, taken circa 1923, depicts Wiener operating a threshing machine on the MAC campus, approximately where University Centre now is at the University of Manitoba. MAC buildings are visible in the background, and an unidentified man is assisting in the operation of the thresher., Luna Collection ID - 109::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 355016, Luna Image ID - 157302
Photograph - agricultural students
A photograph of 12 unidentified agricultural students from the Manitoba Agricultural College or University of Manitoba. The students are wearing tuxedos., Luna Collection ID - 109::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 429016, Luna Image ID - 153748
Photograph - agricultural students with tractor and wagon
A photograph of unidentified agricultural students with a tractor and wagon from around the turn of the 20th century., Luna Collection ID - 109::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 434785, Luna Image ID - 153752
Photograph - agriculture students dressed as elements
A photograph of several agriculture students, including Jim Brown, Charles Richardson, William Harkness, William MacWilliam, Frank Hitchcock, Robert Bruce, William Stone, William Betts, Hugh McIntyre, Emerson Ramsay, William Wiener, Lester Lohr, John Green, Stewart Dunlop, Eric Stevens, Lester Robson, Thomas Coltart, and Robert Muckle, wearing signs identifying them as elements., Luna Collection ID - 109::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 441571, Luna Image ID - 153695
Photograph - alfalfa plants and buildings at Manitoba Agricultural College Fort Garry campus
A photograph of an alfalfa trial plot on the Manitoba Agricultural College Fort Garry campus, circa 1918. Several MAC buildings are visible in the background., Luna Collection ID - 109::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 430490, Luna Image ID - 153545
Photograph - barn
A photograph of a barn., Luna Collection ID - 109::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 355963, Luna Image ID - 153617
Photograph - barn ventilation unit
A photograph of a barn ventilation system being tested in the 1960s or early 1970s. This black-and-white photograph depicts steam coming out of a ventilation duct in winter., Luna Collection ID - 109::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 355780, Luna Image ID - 157327
Photograph - beef pen
A photograph of a beef pen with slatted floors at the University of Manitoba Faculty of Agriculture., Luna Collection ID - 109::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 355945, Luna Image ID - 153615
Photograph - beekeeping short course students, 1926
A photograph of some of the students in the beekeeping short course held at the University of Manitoba Fort Garry campus in 1926: J. A. Baird, C. Beekstead, Mrs. M. Brander, Nellie Cameron, Elizabeth Campbell, Mrs. Fred Chapman, J. Cherepaka, George Croy, Mrs. M. H. Duncan, H. J. Dupont, Frank Erb, Raymond Ferris, William Fulton, Armand Gekiere, J. Gill, O. P. Gosling, R. C. Harvey, Jim Jackson, D. H. Jacobs, Mrs. Gordon James, H. B. Kirby, Theodore Kim, Oskar Kohler, John Lyons, J. H. Lowes, A. B. McAdam, J. MacKison, John McCoubrey, Mary McConnell, John MacKensie, Robert Moore, F. Musgrove, Ceen Nichol, H. Picken, Arthur Pickham, A. Piskor, Nicholas Poley, Sidney Ransom, Mrs. R. D. Stairs, D. L. Stewart, Marv Smith, Mrs. W. Stinson, Gordon Tennant, M. E. Thornton, F. F. Walland, Thomas Waterson, H. A. Webber, K H. Williams, J. B. Wilson, W. Young, and J. W. Neill. The students are arranged on steps in front of a building, and are numbered to correspond with a list of their names on the back of the photo. "Beekeepers Short Course 1926" is written at the bottom of the photograph., Luna Collection ID - 109::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 424112, Luna Image ID - 153497
Photograph - beekeeping short course students, 1927
A photograph of some of the students enrolled in the beekeeping short course offered at the University of Manitoba in 1927: R. Bateman, H. Battersby, Mrs. M. Bowman, Robert Burnett, J. H. Cook, S. Coulthard, Jean Dales, Mrs. M. Doxtator, John Driedger, Mrs. E. A. Ellam, George Frowd, G. Gagen, L. W. Goekoop, C. Goodhand, A. Hanggi, H. Hardern, E. Heinrichs, J. Henderson, C. J. Lambert, Mrs. S. H. Lamont, Harry Lovett, J. Mackison, Iva Metcalfe, J. E. Mitchell, Lylla Mischke, G. T. Pinault, E. Robinson, W. A. Shean, John Siemens, Mary Smith, Allan Smith, Mrs. F. W. Sneesby, George Sutherland, R. G. Thistlethwaite, Mrs. W. S. Wilson, and John Zubryski. A. V. Mitchener of the Manitoba Agricultural College and L. T. Floyd, provincial apiarist for Manitoba, are also pictured. The students are numbered to correspond with a list of all students registered in the course that is attached to the back of the photograph. "M.A.C. Beekeeper's Short Course 1927" is written at the bottom of the photograph., Luna Collection ID - 109::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 424224, Luna Image ID - 153499
Photograph - beekeeping short course students, 1928
A photograph of the students enrolled in the beekeeping short course offered at the University of Manitoba in 1928: Mack McDougall, Alfred Sprott, A. Mitchell, Ernest Houston, H. Peddie, John Ferner, Donald Paterson, G. P. Schroeder, W. H. Chudley, E. K. Reid, H. H. Allen, Gordon Nairn, John McCutcheon, P. Goodman, W. S. Bell, Fred Cooper, A. Tennenhouse, Dora O'Drowski, A. L. Carson, Mary Smith, Joyce Matthews, Trix Cassidy, A. Wilson, and Kenneth Lea., Luna Collection ID - 109::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 424370, Luna Image ID - 153501
Photograph - beekeeping short course students, 1929
A photograph of the students enrolled in the beekeeping short course offered at the University of Manitoba in 1929: Robert Harvey, of Rivers, Manitoba; James Winstone, of McConnell, Manitoba; Andrew Black, of Margaret, Manitoba; A. V. Mitchener of the Manitoba Agricultural College; R. M. Pugh, of Regina, Saskatchewan; L. T. Floyd, provincial apiarist of Manitoba; M. J. Richards, of Marchand, Manitoba; Clark Hunter, of Green Ridge, Manitoba; George Lord, of Spy Hill, Saskatchewan; J. S. Haney, of Winnipeg, Manitoba; T. Webster, of Ashern, Manitoba; H. A. Thexton, of St. Thomas, North Dakota; R. D. Bell, of Portage la Prairie, Manitoba; Mrs. J. Lamont, of Inwood, Manitoba; Ethel Elliot, of Coulter, Manitoba; Alexander Lamb, of Winnipeg, Manitoba; D. Bain Elder, of Brandon, Manitoba; Johann Enns, of Grunthal, Manitoba; and James Denoon, of Eden, Manitoba. The students are pictured standing in front of a building. "Department of Entomology, University of Manitoba" is printed on the mat surrounding the photograph., Luna Collection ID - 109::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 424311, Luna Image ID - 153503
Photograph - beekeeping short course students, 1930
A photograph of the students enrolled in the beekeeping short course offered at the University of Manitoba in 1930: W. G. le Maistre, of Ottawa, Ontario; G. L. Jarvis, of Brantford, Ontario; A. V. Mitchener, of the Manitoba Agricultural College; Roy Mullin, of Myrtle, Manitoba; James McSpadden, of Edrans, Manitoba; W. B. Lee, of Gunton, Manitoba; Ida Nelson, of Winnipeg, Manitoba; Lily Taylor, of Winnipeg, Manitoba; A. Hample, of Gretna, Manitoba; W. H. Belton, of Plumas, Manitoba; M. S. Messenger of Veregin, Saskatchewan; H. N. Epp, of Brandon, Manitoba; John Dutton, of Gilbert Plains, Manitoba; J. Braithwaite, of Homewood, Manitoba; T. W. Price, of Winnipeg, Manitoba; Carl Clark, of Treesbank, Manitoba (a former student who was visiting when the photo was taken); G. M. Ledat, of Rapid City, Manitoba; K. Driedger, of Oak Lake, Manitoba; W. P. Langtry, of Homewood, Manitoba; and W. A. Krutz, of Morden, Manitoba., Luna Collection ID - 109::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 424462, Luna Image ID - 153505
