
Photograph - excavating land on the Fort Garry campus
A photograph of the basement of the Administration Building being excavated at the University of Manitoba Fort Garry campus. This black-and-white photograph, taken circa 1911, depicts teams of horses being used to excavate., Luna Collection ID - 109::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 356427, Luna Image ID - 153486
Photograph - experimental plots at Manitoba Agricultural College
A photograph of experimental plots at the Manitoba Agricultural College. This black-and-white photograph was taken in 1917. The photograph is attached to a larger sheet of paper, which contains annotations regarding the cropping and manipulation of the photograph. "Experimental Plots at Manitoba Agricultural College - 1917" typed below the photograph., Luna Collection ID - 109::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 355172, Luna Image ID - 157316
Photograph - experimental plots at Manitoba Agricultural College
A photograph of the first experimental plots at the Manitoba Agricultural College. This black-and-white photograph was taken in 1914. The photograph is attached to a larger sheet of paper, which contains annotations regarding the cropping and manipulation of the photograph. "First Experimental Plots at Manitoba Agricultural College - 1914" typed below the photograph., Luna Collection ID - 109::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 355164, Luna Image ID - 157315
Photograph - farm engines class at the Manitoba Agricultural College Fort Garry campus
A photograph of the farm engines class at the Manitoba Agricultural College Fort Garry campus, circa 1920., Luna Collection ID - 109::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 355373, Luna Image ID - 157321
Photograph - first Manitoba Agricultural College graduating class
A photograph of the first students granted agricultural degrees from the Manitoba Agricultural College. This black-and-white photograph, taken in 1911, depicts the ten men sitting on the steps of a building at the MAC Tuxedo campus., Luna Collection ID - 109::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 356490, Luna Image ID - 153788
Photograph - first-year home economics students in sewing class, 1921
A photograph of several unidentified home economics students in their sewing class at the Manitoba Agricultural College in 1921. A typed label is attached and reads "Sewing Class in Home Ec. 1921 Donated by H. J. Siemens"., Luna Collection ID - 109::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 425236, Luna Image ID - 153526
Photograph - forage crop breeding plots at Manitoba Agricultural College
A photograph of white Dutch clover and various farm grasses growing in the forage crop breeding plots at the Manitoba Agricultural College campus. The photograph is attached to a larger sheet of paper, which contains annotations regarding the cropping and manipulation of the photograph. "Forage Crop Breeding Plots, Manitoba Agricultural College - circa 1922 White Dutch clover and selected varieties of farm grasses" typed below the photograph., Luna Collection ID - 109::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 355155, Luna Image ID - 157314
Photograph - forge/blacksmithing shop at the Manitoba Agricultural College Tuxedo campus
A photograph of students in the forge/blacksmithing shop at the Manitoba Agricultural College Tuxedo campus., Luna Collection ID - 109::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 355344, Luna Image ID - 153779
Photograph - fourteen unidentified people
A photograph of fourteen unidentified men and women. The photograph was taken by T. Emerson of Caledonia, Ontario, and donated by Alvin Mitchener., Luna Collection ID - 109::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 434966, Luna Image ID - 153760
Photograph - graduates of cheddar cheese manufacturing course, 1973
A photograph of the graduates of the 1973 cheddar cheese manufacturing course at the University of Manitoba Faculty of Agriculture. This black-and-white photograph depicts the graduates and Dr. Ron Pereira in front of the Dairy Science building at the university's Fort Garry campus., Luna Collection ID - 109::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 355895, Luna Image ID - 153609
Photograph - home economics class of 1928
A photograph of the 1928 home economics class of the Manitoba Agricultural College. The women are standing on the steps of a building., Luna Collection ID - 109::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 439480, Luna Image ID - 153636
Photograph - home economics students
A photograph of Jessie Hancock (nee McQueen) and an unidentified home economics student standing outdoors., Luna Collection ID - 109::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 443311, Luna Image ID - 153721
Photograph - home economics students
A photograph of six home economics students at the Manitoba Agricultural College, including Jessie Hancock (nee McQueen), Lillian Townsend (nee Archibald), and Ella Coltart (nee Stewart)., Luna Collection ID - 109::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 442706, Luna Image ID - 153700
Photograph - home economics students
A photograph of four unidentified home economics students standing outside on the steps of a building., Luna Collection ID - 109::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 443293, Luna Image ID - 153720
Photograph - home economics students and children
A photograph of five home economics students, including Lillian Townsend (nee Archibald) and Ella Coltart (nee Stewart) on the steps of a building at the Manitoba Agricultural College. They are accompanied by three small boys and a dog., Luna Collection ID - 109::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 441910, Luna Image ID - 153698
Photograph - horticulture class
A photograph of the members of an evening short course in horticulture offered by the University of Manitoba Faculty of Agriculture. This black-and-white photograph depicts a professor [Louis something; the last name is illegible] leading the class., Luna Collection ID - 109::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 355929, Luna Image ID - 153613
Photograph - laboratory equipment
A photograph of bottles, Bunsen burners, and other equipment in a laboratory., Luna Collection ID - 109::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 438391, Luna Image ID - 157269
Photograph - landscaping in front of Tache Hall residence
A photograph of landscaping in front of the Tache Hall residence at the Manitoba Agricultural College/University of Manitoba Fort Garry campus., Luna Collection ID - 109::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 356456, Luna Image ID - 153489
Photograph - main building at the Manitoba Agricultural College Tuxedo campus
A photograph of the main building at the Manitoba Agricultural College Tuxedo campus. This black-and-white photograph was taken by F. F. Parkinson between 1906 and 1913., Luna Collection ID - 109::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 356066, Luna Image ID - 153563
Photograph - man adjusting pasteurizing machine
A photograph of an unidentified man adjusting a milk pasteurization machine., Luna Collection ID - 109::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 438548, Luna Image ID - 157287
Photograph - man with cap, beard, pipe, and stook of field corn
A photograph of an unidentified man standing in front of a large stook of field corn. A label is attached and reads "with field corn MAC, Ft.Garry, c. 1915 Donated by: F. H. Newcombe, BSA '16"., Luna Collection ID - 109::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 355114, Luna Image ID - 157310
Photograph - man with horse and plow
A photograph of a man using a plow pulled by a horse., Luna Collection ID - 109::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 354984, Luna Image ID - 157299
Photograph - man with two churns
A photograph of an unidentified man comparing an old-fashioned butter churn with a large new electric one., Luna Collection ID - 109::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 438583, Luna Image ID - 157289
Photograph - man working in lab
A photograph of an unidentified man in a sweater blending something in a laboratory., Luna Collection ID - 109::UMANITOBALCM::NA, Luna Object ID - 438384, Luna Image ID - 157268
