Russell Memorial Rink Sporting facilities in the Russell community should satisfy even the most avid sportsman. The Russell area has been long known as one of the finest hunting areas. Many lakes and sloughs provide good duck hunting for even the novice, and in latter years a number of geese have been found in the area. Prairie chicken and Ruffed Grouse are also plentiful in several areas of the community. The Assiniboine Valley, (five minutes to the West) is an excellent spot for deer hunting. Silver Beach, located eighteen miles to the northeast, has a fine sand beach, a dance pavilion, store, cottages and boat ramp. The lake provides good Perch, Northern Pike, Pickerel and Bass fishing. Upon completion of the Shell Mouth Dam in 1968 a lake nearly fifty miles long will be created in the Assini- boine Valley. This will provide another area for sailboating, water skiing, fishing and even a week-end boat trip up the lake. For those who enjoy skating, hockey or just plain watching, they have at their disposal the Russell Memorial Rink. The fine cement and steel structure was built in 1950. Curling is at its best in the rink built in 1947. An arti- ficial ice plant was installed in 1964, allowing a longer season. The Russell Golf and Country Club situated two and one-half miles east of Russell was built in 1961. The 3116 yard par 36 sand green course boasts the finest turfed fairway to. be found on any rural course. Russell is well known for its cattle raising industry Russell is a prosperous farming district located on New- dale clay loam soils. The topography is undulating to roll- ing. The depressions that cannot be worked are used for hay or if wet, nesting grounds for ducks. The soil is highly suitable for cereal grains, rapeseed, flax, and mustard pro- duction. Yields have always been well above the provincial average. In 1965 there were 39 registered seed growers in the area. The average annual moisture supply is 15.6 inches. The elevation is 1865 feet above sea level. Good tree cover reduces evaporation. There are many good herds of pure bred livestock in the area. This supply of breeding stock has made the quality of livestock in the district very good. Many of the pure bred herds are well known on the A and B circuits, at the Royal Winter Fair and now the P. N. E. at Van- couver. There are 36 members of the Hereford Association including Watson Dunn and Son, E. and V. Dunn, Watson Cochrane and Son, Willis Kieper & Son, Woodhouse Bros, and Vic Parr. Aberdeen Angus breeders include Alwyn Coulter and C. E. Glasman and Sons. The Russell Agricultural Society official seal states it was incorporated in 1881. The society has been active spon- soring fairs, harness racing and farm competitions. The annual Fair and Race meet date is the third Thursday and Friday of July. .N\\W\w§ . Primrose Farm’s Grand Champion Hereford Bull—at the 1966 Brandon Winter Fair. —Western Producer Photo by Clyde McMurchy. 7