East Reserve Historical Series 1 This series consists of books that seek to uncover, record, and preserve the history of a Mennonite community and way of life, one that fostered a sense of belonging and cultivated an attitude of caring for each other. The series was begun by the Hanover Steinbach Historical Society and is continued by the Manitoba Mennonite Historical Society. 1. John Dyck, ed., Working Papers of the East Reserve Village Histories, 1874—1910 (1990) 2. John Dyck, ed. Bergtlzal Gemeinde Buch (1993) 3. John Dyck, ed. Historical Sketches of the East Reserve, 1874—1910 (1994) 4. Adolf Ens, Ernest N. Braun, and Henry N. Fast, eds. Settlers of the East Reserve: Moving in — Moving out — Staying (2009) Also published by the Hanover Steinbach Historical Society: 5. John Dyck, Oberschulze Jacob Peters (18134884): Manitoba Pioneer Leader (1990) 6. John H. Warkentin, The Mennonite Settlements of Southern Manitoba (2000) Dedicated to the memory of John Dyck (19284999) and Delbert Plett (1948—2004) promoters and enablers of East Reserve historical research, writing and publishing