Louis Frieze. On December 1, 1927, he married Millie Shane, and in 1928, they were blessed with a son, Henry. Louis and his family farmed for several years in the Inglis district after which he gave up the farm and went into the labour force. This consisted of working for many different farmers as well as a dairy farmer, and at a bush camp in Ontario. After his age would not allow him to work any more, he lived at Middle Lake, Saskatchewan in a personal care home for a short time, then came back to Russell for a number of years. For the last six years of his life, he and his family resided in Bran— don where, on November 30, 1972, he passed away. His wife, Millie, also passed away in January the following year approximately six weeks after his death at the age of seventy—five. As a young man, Henry also was employed by farmers for a good part of the time and after mov— ing into Inglis, he was employed by C.P.R. working as a maintenance man on the railroad tracks. He then moved to Russell and was employed at the creamery for quite a number of years. Then he moved to Brandon with his parents and is presently employed by Macey Foods. In his youth, he also learned to play the guitar and is a country and western fan. He got to the top like many of the rest of us did, “Grew right through his hair”. Mr. and Mrs. Reinhold Frieze Reinhold Frieze was born in White Russia, April 10, 1893. In 1907, he came to Canada with his parents, Frederick and Barbara, along with one brother and five sisters. Another sister was born in Canada in June, 1907. Their homestead was located right next to the Riding Mountain National Park, NE 6—23—26. 135 Mr. and Mrs. Reinhold Frieze and sons. L—R: Eddie, Bert, Freddie. In his very young years, he began working for Messers. Charles and Donald McDonald in the Minniska area. He worked there for about nine years. The McDonalds were great for showing horses at the fair. Reinhold enjoyed working with horses, grooming and training them. On February 10, 1927, he was united in marriage to Alfrieda Pessel. She had been employed at the V Royal Alexander Hotel in Winnipeg. Alfrieda was born on February 15, 1904, in Gost- nin, Poland. Her parents both died when she was three years old. She was raised as a foster child and came to Canada in 1926. She liked gardening, grow— ing flowers and singing. Her beautiful embroidery work was admired by many. Their marriage was blessed with three sons: Edward, Alfred and Berthold. When their home was destroyed by fire, they moved to the farm Dad had bought, NW 26—22—27, and built a new home there. Grandma (Barbara) lived with them most of the time until her death in 1938. Besides farming, Reinhold was a part—time For— est Ranger. He spent many days on horseback patrolling the Riding Mountain National Park, checking on hunters, loggers and people cutting firewood. One of the lakes on the western edge,