Secretan in charge of another party, with instruc- tions to keep the grade, crossing the valleys of the Assiniboine, Little Saskatchewan, and the Birdtail Creek, down to 52 feet to the mile. Mr. Lumsden’s location survey took him across the Assiniboine Valley, near the mouth of Shell River, crossing the Birdtail Creek twelve miles north of the town of Birtle, both of which crossings met the require— ments of the Railway Department of the Govern— ment as to grades. Mr. Secretan’s survey party was directed to find a crossing higher up on these two rivers, in a more northerly route towards Fort Pelly. After trying to cross the Riding Mountains, Mr. Secretan backed out, finding the grades too high in attempting to cross the back of the Mountain instead of skirting its base, the route Mr. Lumsden’s survey followed. After backing out from this survey he proceeded to Fort Ellice, to locate a crossing by way of the mouths of the Bird— tail Creek, Fort Ellice and the Qu’Appelle River. On the 2nd of May, 1880, Major Boulton and his party struck the banks of the Shell River Valley, overlooking what is now the village of Asessippi. They then journeyed west eight miles to the banks of the Assiniboine, overlooking what is now the village of Shellmouth and returned east again to what is now the municipality of Boulton, and pitched their permanent camp on Section 5, Town— ship 23, Range 27, after nearly two months contin— uous travelling with a yoke of oxen and a team of horses, the snow being still on the prairie on the lst of May. The stream of emigration followed that party into the Shell River district.”8 “On March 21, 1880, a party left Winnipeg with three loaded sleighs expecting to make their west— ward journey on the winter trails. In the party were Major C. A. Boulton, M. Gardner, F. D. Gilly, Wm. B. Lennard and Walter F. Stewart. Because of hardships encountered on the early part of their trip, Mr. Gilly died at Portage la Prairie. Difficul— ties ensued: bad weather, snow blindness, poor food, vermin, up—set loads and standing out in blizzards between the oxen to keep from freezing to death. At Big Bend on the Little Saskatchewan (now Minnedosa) River the party was joined by Ted Brown and they reached Dow’s Crossing on the Bird Trail River early in April. Here the winter road ended and the party was delayed ten days while they assembled their wagons and reloaded, crossing the river on ice, April 13th. Two days later, they left Silver Creek for the Shell River country and they had the pick of the land as far as they could see in every direction.’ ’9 “Boulton promptly erected a log cabin on his homestead; however, his hay crop was destroyed by fire in November 1880 and his family spent an unpleasant winter in comparative isolation. The following year Boulton moved south to take up land in 3—21—28W. He was also granted a license in 1881 to cut timber in Township 24, Range 27W and Town— ship 24, Range 28W for a ground rent of $5.00 per square mile and a five per cent royalty on sales. However, cutting on Township 24, Range 28W soon proved to be in conflict with Shell River Colo— 1nization Company’s grant for settlement and the entire berth was apparently cancelled after 1884.”10 “Initially, Township 24—27 had extensive tim— ber stands but by 1903—1904 surveyors reported little timber left, it having been cut by Hambury of Bran— don.”11 By the third session of the Manitoba Legislative Assembly, an act to divide the Province of Man— itoba into counties was assented to May 25, 1881. “Whereas it is expedient to re—divide the Province of Manitoba into counties, owing to the additional territory acquired, by which the Province has been greatly enlarged, and being nec— essary therefore to substitute a new Act applicable to the extension of the boundaries; therefore The Legislative Assembly of the Province of Manitoba, enacts as follows: 1. The Province of Manitoba shall be divided into counties for the purposes hereinafter men- tioned; as follows: Russell (37). The County of Russell shall com— prise township 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, and 24 from and including range 23 to the western boundary of the Province. ’ ’ 12 By 1883, there were numerous settlers in what is now the RM. of Boulton. The following were title holders in 1883: Frank Aarki, William Muir, John Muir, David Paterson, John McDonald, Hugh McDonald, David Dunn, Robert Muir, Sydney Vinnell, John R. Thompson, Walker Powers, Archibald McLennan, Richard Pearce, Anthony Armstrong, William J. Rea, Kenneth Smith, Don— ald Smith, Percy Smith, Edwin Armstrong, Louis Schell, Joseph Muir, William Barrett—Leonard, Duncan McKenzie, William Baker, David Smith, William Ross, Ellen Gilley, Thomas McAndrew, George M. Lloyd, David Harkley, James Muir, Frederick Vinnell, John B. Leonard, Elijah Dell, Joseph Hind, Philemon Gaslong, and Alexander Cockleburn. By the Statutes of Manitoba 46 to 47 in 1883, the Municipality of Boulton was formed. This became effective December 22, 1883, but the letter of patent did not come through until January 2, 1884. There— fore, 1984 was celebrated as Boulton’s Centennial. BOULTON AUTHORITY S.M. 44 Victoria, 3rd Session 1881, Cap. 13, Sec. XX N 0. 41, shows the Municipality of Russell shall