McCains has been a steady employer for over 25 years 9, as ~ 9. s e \ WASH STOP ‘ e LAUNDRY and CAR WASH 9‘ Q 'itotfiitig’ (Opened Inthe tall ol1989) .’ :9 MW at a PM“ a am e. as ’ SPACIOUS BRIGHT FACILITIES G ‘ LAUNDRY DROP-OFF SERVICE AVAILABLE m 3 239-1481 9° Located Directly East of i \’ Portage la Prairie Mall, at 60 24th St. 9 Q ‘ i I ‘ 9' C‘: \\" \ \ \G'\ g \- \ ‘9. 3' ’\ \“y/ STEVENSON LAW OFFICE Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public 0 Real Estate 0 Family Law 0 Wills - Estates 0 Civil Litigation - Corporate 0 Commercial 0 Criminal 101 —- 32 'lhpper Street North Portage la Prairie MB RlN 1W8 Phone: (204) 239-8710 Fax (204) 857-8965 1970's New & Exciting / / Al fine new Toronto Dominion Bank rose from the rubble “L Hwy 1A West we go3 Portage la Prairie, MB “fffi “lake/yam: “ZN/W W Serving the Portage area smce the turn of the century — this century! - Complimentary SuperStart Breakfast - Conference Room - Salt Pool, Hot Tub, & Waterslide 857-8883 1 -800-800-8000 -54- We are a vocational day program for adults with a mental disability and we offer participants the opportunity to leam vocational and social skills in a supportive atmosphere. We have developed through several location and name changes since 1971 and have been in our current locale since 1978. Today ARC has more than 40 clients with 12 staff members and a volunteer Board of Directors. Our Gift Shop has a variety of crafts for sale, most of which have been made on-site with client participation rates of upwards of 50%. We also offer a furniture stripping service for your antique and not-so-antique treasures. Portage ARC Industries Inc. I675 Saskatchewan Ave.West, Portage la Prairie Ph (204) 857-7752 I 7665 0 Fax 239-0968 ' Our Story — Portage la Prairie