monthly basis. Later his extra duties, first as Rural Dean and later as Archdea- con forced him to discontinue the practise although he still came for communion and funerals. In 1937 Reverend E. Church, a missionary on extended furlough from India and minister of Trinity Baptist Church in Winnipeg extended his missionary in- terest to include East Braintree and regular monthly services were started again. These were continued by other pastors of that denomination after Reverend Church returned to India. In 1946 student pastors were stationed here and ser- vices were held on a weekly basis. It finally resulted in the formation of the Community Baptist Church in April 1957. The opening of the first church in the district and the first Protestant church for many miles around took place in De- cember of the same year. At present Sylvestor (Kumhyr) operates a general store and is the fifth postmaster of this area taking over his duties in 1961. Formerly this store was located one mile south of East Braintree. He also sells and repairs chain saws in his spare time. The East Braintree hotel is currently operated by Mr and Mrs John Kowaski and caters to both men and women in the beverage room. It is also noted that Mr and Mrs Nick Fielberg operated a general store for a time on the site of John Sluzars store. They had bought their premises from the late Mr Beaver. WV :- , mg East Braintree, 1927. First car over Dawson Trail from Winnipeg to East Brain— tree. Owner J. Slusar. From left to right on photo: Mr. Youngman, Mr. Affleck, Honourable P. A. Talbot and John Slusar. standing. 83